Sunday, October 9, 2022

You Are Already Paying The Price For Ignoring Foreign Affairs

If you cannot foresee second and third-order consequences to actions taken, you are not going to make it.

Since there are people, like the Balding God of Twitch--the slacker millionaire Asmongold--who claims that things which do not directly affect him do not matter, it is time to start making this clear to those people how such effects are screwing them harder than an IRS auditor to a political dissident.

First, for those that are all about following the money, this little report from TFI Global.

This report focuses on those second and third-order consequences. Making energy costs prohibitivesly expensive in Europe has corporations of sufficient size, none of which have any loyalty to any state or nation, casting about for cheaper alternatives to do business at least inconvenience and sure enough the United States is right there to take up that slack.

Offices close. Factories shut down. Employment craters, spending drops, causing a cascade of failure to ripple through Europe as the effects spread from major industry down to retail and local commerce. The economic collapse turns into a housing crisis as more people are thrown out of their residences or domicles, which turns into a humanitarian crisis due to increased stress on emergency services--already run down to a lack of funding and other resources--and people that can flee while those that remain get upset and start causing problems for the several European states.

The refugees flooding abroad spread the problem to other states and start imposing on the nations therein, making things worse there and threatening to spread the failure cascade wider, unless the states concerned start sinking the damned ships and instead cause international incidents that may instead take another route to international unrest if not outright war.

In such a scenario, apathetic slacker millionarires like Asmongold quickly find out that they are not as isolated as they think they are and therefore are not as insulated as they think they are either. Their lack of diligence in public affairs results in government officials deciding to weaponize those refugees against people like him in order to settle local political scores (and yes, oh Balding One, there are such officials that hate you enough to do it and you didn't have to say or do a damned thing to earn their ire; they hate you because you exist).

This sort of collapse is what went down in Weimar Germany, among other places post-World War I, and we all know what happened next.

Next, let's talk about the Retard In Charge in Ukraine and his insistence upon Poking The Bear. It is now known that Kiev takes credit for the bridge attack. Not that it did much good.

As the Didatic explains at length, this is meant to pressure Putin to over-react; the Russian population is furious and easily provoked right now, and Putin is the moderate in this situation keeping things calm and measured instead of going right into overdrive and allowing emotion to overrun reason- and thus be easily lead into traps. Putin's hold on power is iron-clad and his institutional support is solid, so this has not worked nor will it work in the near future.

War is a political act, but it is also an economic operation- and between the two, economics always wins. You can't fight with what you don't have.

The resorting to terrorism by Ukraine, including direct murder squads against civilians, is not the sign of a strong and victorious power. The well-known strategy of reducing Ukraine's military to dust by attriting it has had its desired effect; the tells are the ever-widening consription calls, including conscripting young women and old men, and if the Kiev regime is not overthrown the Ukrainian nation will cease to exist.

That madness, faciliated by Globohomo because Zelensky is a Thrall of Empire and thus takes orders from senior Thralls based out of the DC-London-Brussel axis, is summarized as "Fighting to the last Ukrainan".

Money, supplies, and weapons are sent to Ukraine; most of that goes right back out due to corruption and only a fraction actually gets used. Stockpiles are drawn down and need to be replaced, meaning more work for arms suppliers (in the US in particular) with political connections- especially as European options are forced out of business or out of Europe.

People flee the region, with the effects I point out above.

We all know about the lack of fertilizer and potash, which will screw over already bad wheat supplies further while other crop yields get kicked down the well and leading to a famine cascade over the next year- and that means more refugees flooding into an over-burdened West (because the East will sink the damned ships) and increase the stress therein, likely pushing it over to collapse and the cascade continues.

By this time next year, the Balding One will be complaining about everything being so expensive and inconvenient and he'll be wondering why when he isn't banning people in his chat telling him that it's directly due to foreign affairs that he steadfastly ignored because he didn't think it affected him when it already has here and now.

Even if you have no power to force officials to stop screwing over the nations they claim to serve, you still have the power to protect yourself by not being where the blow(s) impact because that is what the Thralls in the West seek to do with this course of action: slough off the consequences from themselves so that their internal enemies suffer all of the consequences while they get none at all.

This is now the revealed preference for how the Thralls in the West operate: they exploit the consequences of foreign affairs to rewards friends and punish enemies, and if you read this you're one of their enemies.

Those that pay attention to foreign affairs see these coming and are in position to avoid getting hit by them. If you can, you owe it to you and yourse to do the same, and thus those consequences will come back to the Thralls that provoked them because those effects have go somewhere. Remove yourself as a target, and they become it by default- and thus they own themselves, and in time Empire falls.

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