Sunday, November 20, 2022

On Antifa

Antifa showed up again recently to protect another Drag Queen Story Hour event.

People showed up to meme on them. Certain people, like Mystery Grove Publishing, objected to this as ineffective. I pushed back, pointing out that Antifa showing up as an armed milita is not a leading indication of Death Cult convergence and subordination to the Globohomo Regime, but rather that it was a lagging indicator; by the time stunts like this go down, the enemy already seized control of the area.

TLDR: You don't see this-

-without this preceding it.

That is Minnesota Attourney General Keith Ellison. You'll find his son in government in the Twin Cities, and said son boasts of having been on the street.

As Beige Shiba explains:

They're basically a paramilitary, most of the people commanding them are literally plain clothes cops. Just about everyone involved knows this and is totally cool with it.

Again, anything the US Government isn't able to do themselves legally, they just spin up some sort of non state actor to do it on their behalf. Sometimes it's an NGO, sometimes it's a tech company, sometimes it's a crustpunk paramilitary group.

That's what Antifa is: a deniable paramilitary asset to be used for murking opposition that Globohomo can't use the State to eliminate. For you WW2 fetishists, think of the various deathsquads that followed the military advances and genocided Desiganted Demographics because the sponsoring regime said so. That's why Antifa is a lagging indicator; they have to have State protection to function as intended, and when this is not in place you find Antifa failing spectacularly.

What does this mean? If Antifa is anything but a joke, then where you live is Enemy Territory.

Using Lawfare against Antifa means getting smacked with Federal hate crime issues, media hitpieces that excuse being unpersoned online and your bank accounts seized (remember the Canadian trucker convoy), and tortious interference in your business affairs no matter what they are--jobs lost, clients drop you, contracts cancelled, etc.--because they don't want that attention on them.

There is something to note, however. Like all paramilitary death squads--which is what Antifa is; just as Kyle Rittenhouse--they are prepared for, and train for, open opposition against forthright (and often naive) targets. Against targets that make the trees speak Finnish, the jungles speak Vietnamese, or the mountains echo in Pashtun they either run or die.

That, dissidents, is what you have to accept when you confront Antifa: you are dealing with a State-supported death squad. You are already defacto criminalized if they show up to fuck with you. You do not deal with them by being the Sheriff. You do not deal with them by being Rambo. You deal with them by not being seen or heard as you make them disappear into your compost pile, because they are a Counter-Insurgency Death Squad so you better be a better insurgent if you want to deal with them.

"But that's illegal!"

Again, Beige Shiba in a one-two punch:

You are not voting or suing your way out. Your existence is illegal. Deal with it, do what it takes to win, or suffer the boot.

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