Sunday, August 20, 2023

Narrative Warfare: The (Electronic) Fog Of War

I think that Globohomo intends to solve a few problems using the Ukraine War. Filtering through the all-pervasive propaganda leads me to the following:

  1. Globohomo's Thralls seek to degrade would-be rival Thralls in Europe and force them back into line, which is why the EU and NATO are doing most of the material transfer to Ukraine and shouldering both the brunt of the consequences and much of the costs. If the D.C. crowd can get some of their EU fellow travelers to follow Ukraine into the meatgrinder, so much the better; makes it easier to (a) replace those men with immigrants and (b) use those immigrants against dissidents.
  2. Globohomo seeks to bring Russia (a rival Imperial power) down, and the D.C. crowd knows that Russia defaults to attrition warfare to wear the enemy down before counterattacking for the win. Therefore they seek to fix Russia's attention on the fighting while the real damage is done economically, especially by removing all the key personnel needed for its critical infrastructure (how does not matter), and as that has happened the Regime thinks it need only wait for that damage over time to add up.
  3. Globohomo seeks to do the same for China. Now that the real data on China's real economy is getting out, D.C. and their European counterparts see that merely fixing them in place and letting the internal damage do the job for them is also a viable move here.

Hence the Globohomo faction of Empire's Thralls settled on a Rope-a-Dope policy. It's working, on all fronts. The EU is under far greater strain than expected (and the Niger situation is no help; if that blows up it will lead to more migration to Europe), Russia's lost a critical mass of technical talent with no means to replace it that it needs to keep its money-makers moving, and China's economy is a Potemkim village built on a fault line- and the ground is rumbling. The US has enough issues for a trade paperback volume, but it's the least bad by far and the Regime knows it.

As for the global collapse, this is no concern of D.C.- the (Globohomo) Imperial Core. The collapse is not from the Imperial Core out, it's the Core sucking everything else in- and straight to the Boomer Furnace. First Russia went to war because it had to. China has to follow soon or the CCP has no way out of the mess they are in.

Can Globohomo pull it off? Yes, it can and it is. Like him or not, Zeihan's reading on both rival Imperial powers has born itself out here; the institutional culture fosters incompetence and corruption in both countries, which hampers the ability to fulfill the functions that justify a state's existence.

What will happen if Globohomo succeeds? An attempted at a controlled crash as the Core sucks the Periphery dry, uses influxes of migrants to exterminate dissent in the Core, and keep the flow of sacrifices to Mammon and Molech flowing until instability in their control is eliminated. This happens to coincide with (a) automation providing the pretext to kill most of the population as "surplus to requirements", (b) economic system overhauls moving people into the prepared killboxes called "Smart Cities",

A Word On Propaganda

This war is all about unlimited electronic warfare- unlimited Narrative warfare.

Globohomo has a very sophisticated, refined, and extensive network of shills. The Russians and the CCP are not without skill or acumen, but they remain latecomers to the game and Globohomo isn't a sporting sort.

The rubric I've used, and so far has worked well enough, is this: "They lie about themselves, but tell the truth about their enemies."

The application, of course, leaves room to adjust for things like Rhetorical manipulation and--as I've found first-hand--letting things settle a bit before diving in allows the shills to slip up out of lax OpSec and let out details that they ought not to have revealed. Some of them include:

  • "I will talk shit about Ukraine and puff up Russia/China, but I only ever film in the most developed and well-off parts of the country that might as well be a tourist trap" is a common one. The Duran's Alex Christoforu did this recently in Russia, filming only from the nice parts of Moscow and St. Petersburg. Other pro-Russian channels do the same, and the CCP shills are notorious for this (and they get help from minders). In the reverse is every mainstream Globohomo outlet, still doing the "correspondant" gig from as far from the fighting as they can get- including blatant green screen bullshit or "on the phone from (X)" scams when the dude's calling from within the building (or, at most, a very comfy hotel vaguely in the area).
  • "I will not talk shit about (Imperial Power)" is a big tell, usually of the CCPShillsphere; the Russian and Globohomo are smart enough to let their mouthpieces shittalk them from time to time- usually in ways that further internal factional objectives (e.g. shitting on the State Department to make the Pentagon look better). Globohomo shills parrot the line out of D.C., London, and Brussels; you could replace them with VTubers run by bot programs and no one would notice.
  • "I will talk big about an enemy error, and then ignore that nothing actually happened after I said it." Business Basics is terrible about this one, but you also see this from wu mao trying to puff up Russia.
  • "I will make a minor push into a major event, when the lines barely move" is another one both Globohomo and Russia do, but the former do it a lot more and it looks even worse when you get independent satellite imagery of the front lines and they barely moved.
  • Rampant dehumanization Rhetoric. The troon shilling for Ukraine is just the latest to do this, and all sides are guilty of it.

The absolute state of things is that there is sweet fuck-all space for people who are not in any Imperial orbit to get the word out on what the fuck is actually going down because all parties concerned have motivation to blather bullshit until the cows come home. Michael de la Broc's Telegram channel is still the best outlet for a neutral point of view that I have on hand, and his occassional livestreams hammer home that he's not having this propaganda either.

The war's winding down its Summer campaign season soon as Ukraine enters into the transitional mud period that ends all ground movement, and support abroad for Ukraine is already waning as domestic concerns take higher priority with Western nations- such as inflation and disaster response.

But Globohomo wants to win, so fuck the nations- Ukraine gets what it needs, and plenty of profit for Globohomo's Thralls are to be made in making it so.

This is why Empire must fall.

We'll seen soon what is to be done.

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