Sunday, August 27, 2023

Narrative Warfare: Waging World War Three Invisibly & Quietly

First, a bit of Globohomo alarmism propaganda to set the stage.

Second, a reminder to revisit last week's post because I will build on what I introduced there.

Now, to get on with it.

The War Is Already Here

I say that those arguing that Globohomo is not ready to wage war against peer powers misses the point. The real way that Globohomo wages war got laid out almost 20 years ago in Confessions of an Economic HitMan by John Perkins. This process is something that came up again with this recent Niger crisis.

Summarized, Globohomo wages war primarily by means of subversion and patronage. It uses private actors (corporations, NGOs, charities, etc.) as fronts for Intelligence operations whose objective is to re-engineer entire nations, countries, and states into being compliant client states--into being satrapies--tied to Globohomo's imperial power for physical, economic, and cultural security.

Yes, cultural. I'll get back to that below.

Globohomo does not merely dominate the global financial system (and with it the global economy), it OWNS the system and thus defines what it is and how it works. They are The Money.

How Globohomo Handlers Deal With Their Jackals

Perkins outlines that Globohomo has three tiers to its operations: Economic Hitmen, Jackals, and Mercenaries.

Perkins was the former. His job, using a Non-Official Cover via working for a multinational corporation or NGO, would be to find corrupt local elites (or would-be elites) and give them sweetheart deals: in return for running the targetted area as a satrapy, they get to enjoy a share of the spoils and hands-off for local affairs so long as the Imperial Core wasn't made to look.

Perkins was very good at his job, but occassionally he failed. That's when a James Bond sort comes in to kill the target and clear the way for someone more pliable to get put into position.

When Hitmen and Jackals failed, the Mercenaries--often the U.S. military, in the guise of "protecting Democracy"--would run roughshod over the targetted country and finish the job.

Even when the military route failed in the present (Vietnam), Globohomo did not give up; Intelligence would not merely wait for a suitable target to come along- they engineered such puppets, and in a generation or two Hitmen would succeed with installing a Satrap or otherwise shaping local affairs to Globohomo's liking (again, see Vietnam).

The War Is Fought On The Moral Level

Economic and political control, while necessary, is insufficient for lasting Imperial control of a satrapy. You have to change the culture.

Both Russia and the CCP have noticed this, and other states' elites have done the same. Wherever one sees a surge in homosexuality's public expression, followed by legal action to compel first tolerance and then acquiesence, one sees Globohomo's cultural subversion campaigns in action. This past week saw one such success in Brazil.

And Globohomo has been nothing but hostile to Uganda after its criminalization of homosexuality.

One can guess as to the motive, but the Shiba of Color notices a pattern: wherever this happens, homosexuals become Court Eunuchs and as in Imperial China's past they become eager agents of Globohomo ready, willing, and able to deal out rewards to friends and punishments to enemies with such glee as to make Carl Schimdt blush. They do so because they rely on the Globohomo Imperial Core for their cultural security as well as their physical, political, and economic security- they can't survive without it. They are the Cossacks of Globohomo. Troons are even more dependent than non-troon homos, so they are always pushed next; pedos troons are the final form of Globohomo's Court Eunuch caste of Spiteful Mutants.

In addition to this are the known Globohomo trends of atomizing populations using Enlightenment Individualism as a stalking horse to destroy every single institution that could stand against and defeat Globohomo's Leviathan, and then to exempt itself from the rules it promotes as Sacred Truth in another shrewed display that Schmidt was right: it rules by Unprincipled Exception, "breaking the rules to preserve them"- something seen this past week by the blatant and incompetent political prosecution of President Trump and his closest associates (including several of his lawyers).

That includes all forms of native culture, from its foundational mythology to its political economy, and very few can recognize the threat soon enough to organize and implement a counterattack. Imperium Press wrote a pair of fantastic articles about this a while back, "The Mithriadates Strategy" and "The Third World Is Going To Cop It"

"Power for me, rules for thee." extends into the cultural realm also.

The norms for mass media worldwide are formed and enforced by Globohomo's Imperial Core. The infrastructure that allows mass media to transmit worldwide? Held by the Core. The financial regime that lubricates all global media operations? Owned by the Core.

One can see how effective Globohomo is at cultural re-engineering by targetting the youth of a target population by how fast locals Westernize their dress, talk like whores and pimps on social media, and talk all the maddest of shit about their homelands and culture because they're zealous converts to the Globohomo Imperial Religion.

And if those youth go to a Globohomo-control school system they stand a good chance of coming out as Imperial priest(esse)s with the mission to rewrite their cultures to conform to the Globohomo Imperial Creed.


You don't need to say a single harsh word to conquer or destroy an enemy.

You need to control their key elements: culture, economics, and politics. Globohomo has this down to a science, as one expects of a competent religion, and it remains the most successful of Empire's three rival powers.

Globohomo has successfully contained Russia and the CCP. Despite Moscow and Beijing's efforts, Globohomo has successfully captured its youth cohorts for two generations and going on a third, so the poison that Globohomo has built up an immunity to is ravaging both rivals. Moscow lacks the will to commit to the extent required to counterattack against the cultural subversion, as it still does not yet comprehend it properly; Beijing is in the same boat for the same reasons- and because they cannot perceive the source of the peril, they will not counter it in time.

The financial encirlement matters more than the political one, as the latter lags behind the former, and despite sensible moves to mitigate and work around Globohomo's control of the system both cannot avoid dealing with the damage dealt to it via that same system- compounded by Globohomo accurately reading their individual cultural profiles to exploit known weaknesses.

So long as the Rope-a-Dope holds, Globohomo cannot help but to win. Once the present parties in power are gone, suitable satraps will be installed and both rivals become naught but Imperial provinces of Globohomo- and no, the recent BRICS summit will do nothing to change this. I'll let Zeihan explain why.

Globohomo is on track to win the century. The only chance to upset this will be if the CCP goes hot and wages an open war, be it over Taiwan or to put down nascent military expansion of Japan or something else Beijing sees as an existential threat, but defeat will come out of victory so don't despair just yet. Things are going to suck, but as Imperium Press points out the means to its win also guarantee its fall.

It is that moment to prepare for, because that is when Empire Must Fall.

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