Sunday, December 3, 2023

Narrative Warfare: The Return of Kings Is Nigh

As expected, the Thralls of Empire serving Globohomo that run the Occupied Republic of Ireland retaliated.

Not that this stopped this warrior. That same day, he posted this.

I remind you that this is is a champion athlete, an active MMA champion, has plenty of commercial dealings going on, and just became a father. Conor has a lot to lose by standing up for his people- for the Irish Nation. He has skin in the game.

That, so far, demonstrates a nobility of character that casual observers would never have expected of him. Globohomo media has done a fantastic job heretofore framing him as a Bad Boy with all that entails--irresponsible, disreputable, abrasive, dyscivic, and destined for destruction once he is no longer of use--but that framing is now showing itself as false.

This is not how a meathead and fist-drunk thug talks. This is how a king talks. (original post deleted; quoted below)

"This is the way Bernadette yes, but more frequently it has been seen to be not so much the case.

Example A being now convicted murderer Josef Puska.

Puska gained entry despite his prior criminal background. Not only that, he was here for 10 years without ever once gaining employment nor even learning the language.

He and his family, who are now all up on the charge of perverting the course of justice, were granted full benefits of the state, including a house.

Ten years, a house, no job, no language learned, and zero contributions to Irish society. This is not fair.

We have lost Ashling Murphy due to this lapse in security and we had 10 years to find it. We never did.

Change has to be brought in to strengthen our resources here. On the back of this. For Ashling. Once is too much.

That is a serious lapse in national security to allow this to happen. We have got to speak on it. As uncomfortable as it is.

I will not allow people tie me to racism, bigotry, or many of the things they have been trying to tie me to since I have spoken up.

Skin color does not matter to me. I am not white, I’m Irish. This must be stood for. Our system must be stronger!

Currently it is not what it says on the tin. Thank you so much for your response Bernadette. My lady is a Devlin, we absolutely love you in our house."

Millionaire Ghostwriter and Expert Hypnotist Joshua Lisec, a man who pays his bills and builds his family's fortune and future through mastery of Rhetoric, sees the obvious.

Or, as some of us say, a Rhetorical Killshot.

If he keeps this up, and he starts making it known that he's willing to step up and lead his homeland out of this genocidal occupation--something that the present regime claimed to legitimize their rule in breaking away from the United Kingdom--he'd have an army at his back tomorrow.

(Hint to Irish Nationalists: Comparing the present regime to the former British occupation may be effective Rhetoric. Check it out; see if it works.)

Because he uttered those words, Globohomo will come at him and his with the fist of an angry god- the god of this world. The arrest was the warning, and he did not shrink from the threat. The heat will be ramped up, increasing the pressure, so we'll see if his coolness under pressure in the ring translates to coolness under pressure in political and legal combat.

I'm focusing on this because it is one manifestation of a trend. The legitimacy of Muh Democracy--fake and gay as that is--is running out, and so is patience with the idea of just letting your enemies have their way with power because they won a popularity contest (voting) that they had every incentive to rig in their favor (as do you). As things get worse, and the rituals of Muh Democracy ring increasingly hollow and impotent, the nations will demand that rulers--that kings--rise up to defend them against those seeking to prey upon them. And, in turn, those demands will go from protection from to destruction of all threats.

And those seeking to rule will rise up. Some will rise up because they are men of noble character and warrior virtue, with a body of like men at their back. You want those men to win. Others will be the Hard Power versions of the Soft Power Foxes running Globohomo right now, and that's no good. For those lacking discernment, it will be hard to tell them apart at first because both will do things that the nation wants and needs. The difference is why they do it, and how they get the nation to believe what they want them to believe (true or false).

You'll see the CCP did similar things.

As the Globohomo Thralls fail to transition from Soft to Hard Power--see Auron MacIntyre's take on this--and the Competency Crisis breaks even more of what the past of the West built, the chaos that results will create the conditions for kings to seize power by their own hands.

Conor McGregor could--should--be such a man. If the Irish State tries and fails to destroy him, or anger him too much, he could easily become just that sort of man; now is the time for Irish nationalists to encourage him to do so and back him up so he can do so.

It is preferable that he does so. It does not matter if he does so or not. IF HE DOES NOT, ANOTHER MAN WILL! That is now inevitable, and not just in Ireland. It will happen in the United Kingdom. It will happen all over Europe. It is already happening in Russia (some of us call Putin "Neo-Tsar" for a reason), and Winnie The Pooh is Emperor of China in all but name (with all that entails). It will happen in Canada, Australia, New Zeland, and the United States- and rulers will stand and deliver.

"Muh Democracy" is bullshit, has always been bullshit, and is now being revealed to the Normies that it is bullshit- and as they grok it, they will call for a king.

Anacyclosis remains undefeated, and so Empire Must Fall.

Pray for Conor McGregor. Pray that God makes a Godly king of him because Ireland needs such a man. Pray that this stops being a meme sooner than later.

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