Sunday, January 28, 2024

Narrative Warfare: It Started With Statues, It's Current At Statutes, It'll Soon Move To Salvos

This past week Governor Greg Abbott of Texas told the Supreme Court of the United States and the Biden Administration to go pound sand.

Since that statement, other governors have sided with Texas over the Federal Government of the United States.

More signed on since that above image got posted to Twitter.

Governor Abbott would go on to explain the authority for his actions.

Note that citation of the Federal Constitution's Article 4, Section 4.

"The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence."

That, reader, is a contract.

The parties are the Federal Government and that of the several States (standing in for the People of the several States). What Governor Abbott asserts is that the Federal Government is in breach of contract, at which point it is secondary at best as to whether it is due to malevolence or incompetence.

Because the Federal Government has breached the contract, Texas is no longer bound to uphold its end of the deal. Furthermore, Texas's own Constitution has strong powers of self-defense and as such Governor Abbott has plenty of legal authority on his side to back up his actions. Lawfare qua lawfare will be insufficient to put a stop to this, which is why there's been talk of using financial coercion.

No, that won't work either. Again, breach of contract. Texas is no longer bound to render taxes to the Federal Government, and (thanks to the Feds doing this to Russia) are free to seize Federal monies, accounts, and assets as required to offset the costs of its self-defense operations- be it at the border or elsewhere in the state.

Death Cultists loyal to the Globohomo Regime are already frothing at the fantasy of a second March To The Sea, talking about States' Rights ending in 1865 and so on.

They are not wrong about that. "These United States" ended with the American Civil War, destroying the Republic in truth and wearing it as a skinsuit to conceal that Abraham Lincoln successful turned the Federal Government into an Imperial State as signifed by "The United States". Razorfist put out a video about that a year ago.

And while the Death Cultists today may decry Lincoln from time to time (for he was a Straight White Man, an Enemy in Current Year), he is their forefather and the very deeds so many objecting to Abbott now wish to deliver upon him (and Texas) is what he organized, orchestrated, and executed upon over 150 years ago.

(N.B.: The seething about this one video has given at least one lefty twat "historian" content for about a year. Flak means you're over the target.)

The point here is that the post-war reconciliation agreement, upheld for generations after those that lived through the events had died, has been undone in record time. All of the historical revisionism, outright demonization, and mythological-style symbolic erasure (such as statue removal and demolition) is open disavowal of that very agreement.

Again, breach of contract.

The follow-up actions of Globohomo Thralls of Empire in and out of government at all levels of American society make it clear that (a) they approved of Lincoln's results, but (b) want to finish the job, so (c) they salivate at having the excuse to do so.

And as they see both backing down as equal to winning the war, they have no problems acting like it.

Which is why we are now on a fast track to a second Civil War, one where the Thralls will--again--be the first to fire and desiring favorable options when doing so.

Of course, that means they have to win- and Frame Games mean nothing if you lose.

Which brings me to the illegals: they are military-aged men, prone to violence (and criminality)), and spread across the United States. They are the proxy (guerilla) army, and I bet that more than a few officials in Abbott's office (as well as in other States) recognize this for what it is.

Will it come tomorrow? No. It is still in a period akin to the 1850s, not 1861, but that was Bleeding Kansas and similar incidents. As Empire falls worldwide, frozen conflicts thaw out and get settled. This is one of them, and there's generations of old accounts to settle. It's going to be Biblical.

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