Sunday, September 22, 2024

Narrative Warfare: Ending The Illusion Of Civilian Neutrality In Business

This past week Israel revealed that it tasked its Intelligence agencies with the task of doing damage to its Non-State Actor enemies.

Israel's agencies did this by compromising the supply chain for popular electronic communications devices--pagers and walkie-talkies--bought by those actors to use as part of its communications. This has, with good reason, caused a lot of consternation both by those directly affected and by observors who were at some remove or uninvolved entirely alike.

This past week also saw Ukraine make use of drone technology to enable that government to engage in long-distance strikes upon Russian military targets deep within Russia.

While this had been going on at some time, comparison and contrasting these ongoing efforts with the revelation of Israel's ability to use similiar technologies to achieve precision attacks on far smaller and more mobile targets.

The Myth of Dual-Use Neutrality of Business

One of the things that Mike Benz repeatedly emphasized in his recent round of interviews, such as with Tucker Carlson, is that American corporations and lobby groups work hand-in-glove with American Intelligence via the U.S. State Department and the NGO Network. Because Benz also said that said State Department and the NGO Network is also the means by which Globohomo wrangles vassals states into line, we can conclude that the same US-centric arrangement extends to the European Union (including the non-EU members that are in the European Economic Area like Switzerland and Norway and the Asian vassals such as South Korean and Japan).

In each case there is this "dual-use" dogma in place to give all proceeding the patina of neutrality, dervived from "dual-use" technologies--usually economics or software, such as operating systems or micro-processors--that have ordinary civilian use-cases that are legitimate and a (para-)military use that (without State permission) is proscribed. The catch is that because of the former it is nigh-impossible to restrict trade in provision of such goods or services without damaging the economic or giving political leverage to your enemies.

That, until now, was a form of restraint. The accepted opinion was to exploit the constraint's usual two-way nature to find ways of tracking what went where, or who got what services, to further Law Enforcement or (Counter-)Intelligence operations.

One need only look at popular media articles, on all sides, across the last century or so to see that this was a myth agreed upon and not reality. Time and again there would be the ocassional sensational article, book, news segment on television, and these days that means podcasts and short-form video too all about how this or that was too dangerous for general use for this or that reason.

Sometimes this would get ridiculous--someone complaining about Toyota trucks being used in para-military capacities as latter-day Jeeps--and sometimes this would be used for other ends (anything involving nuclear power and electronics because Remote Detonation).

What this past week revealed is that one common complaint, usually only seen in fiction, was the real problem: compromised supply chains.

Again, recall that Globohomo in particular (but the CCP does this also as policy) operates via this public-private partnership centered around NGOs in order to diffuse liability and make accountability impractical if not impossible to enforce.

What could Mossad have done? They already had surveilance of enemy communications and assets with ears on the ground. All they needed to do was to slip between the ordered electronics' point of origin and their delivery to the buyers, which is very easy to do if you have "partners" and "associates" that can let your men in the back door to do what is needed to turn the products into bombs with remote detonation- and that assumes that wiring them as bombs is necessary at all.

And when your allies are happy to just make accomodations for your people to do what you want to the widgets, compromising those chains is no more difficult than making a phone call to the right NGO or Diplomatic office.

Going Forward, It's All Fair Game

Because there is no longer any illusion that there is a meaningful difference between Civilian and Military widgets or services due to this exposed arrangement, first seen in a more deniable form in Ukraine and now explicitly done by Israel, you can bet that more things previously restrained will be cut loose. Here and now, that means technologies long believed to exist are going to be confirmed or denied--no more Glomar Responses--in short order as they are deployed, detected, and disseminated by social media.

Among some people, this is theorized as a tactical nuclear warhead with a clean fusion device. What it really is will come out soon enough.

The post-WW2 consensus, which underlaid all this Dual-Use Neutality Mythology and other such stuff, is now rapidly unravelling. The paradigm is shifting, and that means that there is a window of opportunity opening up. Time to make Empire fall, and you can start by taking this myth and busting it.

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