Sunday, September 29, 2024

Narrative Warfare: Why Does Grandpa Want All Those Radio Stations?

This one ain't hard to figure out. This is about Total Narrative Dominance.

The idea is that by taking out any radio station actively run by Globohomo they can fill the gap in their Wall of Narrative that's currently afflicting them.

While some known Cuckservatives are being deplatformed, the reality is that this is a freakout reaction. The Narrative that matters is not done over legacy media. It's done online via social media and more private outlets, both of which are contested at best and denied territory for Globohomo the rest of the time.

Therefore this is an attempt to either drown out Normie-facing media in Globohomo bullshit, hoping that this counteracts what they see online, or (more likely) this is a pure freakout reaction by an old man who doesn't comprehend how the game changed and is falling back on a now-obsolete playbook to cope with unexpected opposition.

John Kerry nails what Globohomo really wants:

That's an open, avowed desire for Total Narrative Dominance.

If Soros, coming from the Private end, were in coordination with Public action against online outlets they don't control (e.g. Twitter) this would be more concerning than it is; at present, it is not- but Elon's recent defeat in Brazil shows that it could still happen.

But not in time to affect the US Presidential Election.

And that is looking very bad for Globohomo, including the defeat of several go-to means for rigging elections (but not yet all of them). They're going to have to go kinetic on him again and soon because they're running out of time and options.

So no, those stations aren't yet a problem unless you're a Boomer that hasn't yet figured out how legacy media lies to you.

It's not over yet. Neither despair nor presume victory, but the signs of increasing desperation signal that Globohomo is afraid of the God-Emperor's return. Empire must fall.

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