Sunday, October 13, 2024

The Cycle of Empires Is Broken

Retards, Normies, and Dissidents alike say things like "The US is an empire. Empires don't last forever. The debt alone will sink the US."

You underestimate Globohomo if you think anything like this. Yes, Vox Day, I am looking your way- and you too, Doug Casey, and many other that ought to know better.

The Cycle of Empire is broken. Two things did it.

When a fucking Socialist and Marxist gets how this works better than "Right" talking heads do, SHAME!

This is how the system works. It's been implicitly so for centuries (see The Money Masters), and every last head of every last Central Bank in the world freely admits that this is how the system works on camera, on the record.

What does this mean in simple terms: The United States CANNOT GO BANKRUPT! You want to know why there's always money for things? This is why.

There will always be funding for the flexing of Imperial power because this is how the system works. Doesn't matter what the number is; the cost is paid, guaranteed. (If you want to know why you pay taxes, it's this simple: to compel the use of the currency issued. That's it; this is why the tax authorities are one of the strongest enforcement agencies in every government.)

That, right there, breaks the cycle. Yes, this is how it works in Russia and China (and India, Japan, South Korea, the United Kingdom, etc.- but NOT in European Union states because they are slaved to the Euro).

In theory, you could wage enough economic warfare to make the capacity of the economy unable to absorbe the generated currency, but that's where the backstop comes into play.

This is also the reason that the United States (as the muscle and engine for Globohomo) will never be openly invaded by hostile powers. (The traitors within are another issue, which is what we have in the US right now.)

Who the fuck is going to Margin Call the people who have (a) All The Nukes, sufficient to incinterate all life on Earth several times over, and (b) a ruling class sufficiently petty and venal to slam the button with the fist of an angry god if they believe that they stand a chance of losing power?

That's the other thing breaking the cycle: the ruling Imperial power has Everything That Matters under a Sword of Damocles. Everyone running a government knows this, which is why all of the hostile action against the United States (and by extension, Globohomo) is against the American nation and done by the American state using hostile actors as catspaws.

That's right, all those "Fuck you Yankee" sorts? You're all suckers being used by Globohomo. Good job, retards.

Until you break MMT, even removing the nukes is not enough; remember that the nukes are a backstop, not the backstop. MMT in effect means that one backstop can easily be replaced by another, and that "another" is already in development. (Yes, ol' Elon can, and likely is, involved in this somehow- if only as just a hired service to launch killsats.)

Empire Must Fall, but it will not just fall due to the old cyclical forces playing out. Globohomo's Thralls successfully patched that out, so it has to be done actively.

Take out the MMT, then the nukes, and then Empire will fall.

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