Sunday, October 6, 2024

The West Is Long Overdue For A Circulation Of Elites

The Shiba of Color gets me.

The incumbent elite class of the West are either traitors or incompetents. Either way, they have to go.

Yes, Academic Agent, I see you in the back. Don't think me unfamiliar with The Populist Delusion; I am calling for a long-overdue circulation of elites, and you definitely own Auron MacIntyre a cigar because the treasonous Western elites need The Woke so they won't put it away. It is the incompetent opposition that want to do so, but cannot because of some combination of corruption and incompetence.

The Death Cult afflicting the West seized power. They hold power. They are not going to just surrender it; it must be ripped from their hands by force.

Electoral measures are necessary, but not sufficient. We have already seen that Globohomo Thralls of Empire give no fucks about doing what it takes to stay in power; they just have preferences on the measures employed to do so.

They are necessary because these elites are guile-based narcissists so they are word-wizards and Narrative Warfare specialists. They cannot wield force well because it repulses them at a fundamental level; it disgusts them, so they are also disgusted by the men needed to use that force on their behalf, distrust them, and do what they can to keep them on very short leashes to assuage that visceral disgust when not needed in the moment to do violence that they cannot or will not do themselves.

These Globohomo Thralls will do whatever it takes to neuter or destroy threats to their power. AfD gets elected someplace? Lawfare, procedural gridlock, financial fuckery, etc. afflicts them into impotency when they can't just have elections stolen from them. Then, once the threat is put down the retalations come in the manner Mike Benz explained when he was on with Tucker Carlson: all power of the State is employed to destroy all possible enemies. This happened to Trump, and it is now happening to Marine Le Pen.

These same Globohomo elites recognize the potential for more action, so the massive invasion of hostile foreigners from Africa and Asia accelerated and flows of invaders are now deliberately deployed--with the aid of local elites in the targetted areas--into pockets of enemy populations specifically to disrupt those populations and eliminate the threat that they pose to Globohomo.

The only thing Globohomo Thralls of Empire can do is basic recognition of threats by enemies and the manipulation of pawns to throw into the way as disposable shields to tank the hits while they attempt long-term degradation strategies to wear down enemy targets into impotence and collapse- and they do this to rival Imperial powers and enemy domestic populations alike.

Which returns me to "necessary, but not sufficient".

What is necessary with electoral measures is to inflict psychological stress upon them repeatedly, which is happening as even Thralls far from a given episode's occurance (e.g. American Thralls about AfD's electoral wins) flip their shit about The Wrong Side Winning.

Which, in turn, forces more and more brick-to-face obvious flexes of institutional power in order to address the threat and assuage the freaked out fellow travelers. These are, in turn, pointed out on social media that Globohomo does not control--such as Twitter--and now more and more people see with their own eyes what was only talked about. You cannot tell them; you have to show them.

As more such actions and reactions pile up, it gets easier to show how these things directly and immediately affect a given individual; this throws popular support increasingly behind the dissident elite cohort organizing to punt out the incompetents in charge and their craven co-conspirators playing false opposition. This is a feedback loop, and it has become a race between how fast the dissident elites can organize and deploy political energy behind them vs. the Globohomo elites using State power to smash apart such bases of power.

Yes, this means that the dissident elites have cottoned on to the need to erect and maintain parallel organizations based on patronage; the real breakthrough will be when there is a route-around for the financial system fortress in the global bureaucratic order, as not even the rival Imperial powers have squared that circle just yet, though the Red Dynasty of Emperor Winnie has tried the hardest followed by the Neo-Tsar.

Now if these dissident elites could just get their shit together and coordinate internationally. Empire must fall. If they won't be scared into surrendering to save their own necks, they will see those necks separated from their bodies by men who tread their jeweled thrones under their sandalled feet.

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