Sunday, February 23, 2020

Noticing Corona-Chan's Curious Coincidence.

SGT Report interviewed Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai on the matter of vaccines. He is notable for (a) inventing email and (b) trying to unseat Elizabeth Warren.

This ain't a short video, so I'm going to timestamp where Corona-chan gets into the conversation, but you do want to watch the whole thing.

The conversation turns to Eugenics just after the 30 minute mark. At 33:05, there is a very interesting observation made by Dr. Ayyadurai:

The history of people in power using biological warfare to after an enemy goes back to 600 B.C.. (...) Do the people in power see us as their enemy? What do they see us as?

This observation then goes on to use recent examples of protests against pollution in Wuhan preceding the Corona-chan crisis emerging there, with the effect of shutting down all dissent immediately and giving the government pretext to clear out dissidents under the cover of protecting public health. This is also observed to be intended for Hong Kong once Corona-chan sufficiently afflicts that city and its population.

Curious coincidence, isn't it?

Anonymous Conservative consistently says that the way the world works is not at all the way we're told that it does, and if a critical mass of people knew how things actually worked then there would be a revolution overnight. It is not at all out of line that a government which sees its subjects as the enemy, as an enemy too big to be annihilated, but instead must be managed, would use bioweapons from time to time to cull the herd.

Empire views Mankind as its enemy.

Empire's network of Thralls is global. One set seeing another successfully doing this will prompt swift copycatting, and this has already been noticed on the Chans.

You'll want to open that image in another tab and blow it up. Take heed; shit's going down. Especially you, Vox Day, since you're in Italy.

The way to tell is by the deeds of those with the power to act. It's curious that so many state agencies are not going full turtle over this, but instead are doing things that can't help but to spread the disease. Mister Metokur's been tracking Corona-chan, and he's as cynical about this as he is about most things. Stay alert and get ready folks. Empire's pulling a big move. Empire must fall.

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