Sunday, January 30, 2022

Narrative Warfare: What Is Needed To Win Against Empire

I hold that victory is inevitable, but not that everyone will make it. That's because what it takes to win is what it takes to restore order to the West.

These conditions are as follows (h/t Vox Day for first specifying them):

  1. The Preservations of the Nations of the West in their homelands.
  2. The Preservation of the Greco-Roman Civil Tradition of governance.
  3. The Restoration of Christendom via the Restoration of Christianity as the center of Western life.

To which I add the following: The Rejection of the Enligtenment and Modernity in their entirety.

That clarification is important, because there is no way that you do not get the latter when you implement the former three. Every Western nation must go home and restore their homeland--the only place in all Creation where they belong without question--regardless of the cost. Every Western nation must abandon the false promises of Modernity in their public and private lives, once more bending the knee to their Creator and his only begotten son Jesus, and in His Name recontitute the only proven form of government He established: Patriarchy.

Yes, "Patriarchy", not Monarchy. The Western nations must return to Rule By The Father, which means a social order defined by the family and sheparded by the Church and no other institutions. There is no need for complex arrangements of social or material capital--states--when each family has its permanent domicile upon which its members live and toil and prosper. This--sorry WrathofGnon--is a rural-centric social order, which few towns and almost no cities- all of which are kept to the smallest possible size to fulfill the explicitly-stated function justifying its existence; most people will be farmers, ranchers, woodsmen, etc. living village life.

The family will replace the state, the corporation, and all other secular institutions- save banking. That goes to the Church, as does the university system. There is no democracy, because NO ONE votes. The eldest patriarch rules his family as a father rules his household, as confirmed by the Church, and thereby sets the rules for his bloodline (with the caveat of not being contrary to dogma or otherwise heretical or treasonous). There is no "inheritance" as such, so Son does not automatically succeed Father, but if Son lives long enough he gets his turn in the big chair.

It is reasonable, therefore, to expect (a) the Church to check families that get out of line by admonishing their patriarchs prior to authorizing faithful families to intervene and (b) for the families to ensure that the Church doesn't fall to heresy by ensuring that its ranks are replenished with their most faithful sons and daughters who--in their paternal wisdom--would best serve God, Nation, and Family by foreswearing secular life for the sacred.

"But this is impossible!" you say.

Wrong. We've done it before. It's the Middle Ages, and contrary to what Empire's thralls would have you believe it was a very good time for the Nations of the West.

The only flaw was perpetuating one of the Great Errors of Israel: the adoption of Monarchy. Rather, a resurgent West should embrace the Christian principle of Subsidiarity and thus eschew Monarchy as it too is a centralizing force- and a resurgent Church would definitely check against that.

We don't have to crash and burn before we rebuild. We can begin changing now, before it's too late to make this transition mostly painless, but it means that a lot of people in the dissident sphere need to admit their error and repent. The White Nationalist folks need to be disabused of all forms of Modernism and rectify their ignorance of Christianity, for otherwise they will be surely crushed by Empire due to lacking the moral foundation necessary to win. The Christian dissidents need to be disabused of their refusal to accept the realities of race, sex, and nation--themselves lies of Modernity--as we are not the same, and should be in our own homes; being brothers in Christ doesn't mean living in the same house literally.

And the LOLBerts need to have their demons exorcised; they are too much in the thrall of Mammon, Molech, or both.

Empire falls. It's just a matter if we go with it or not.

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