Sunday, November 5, 2023

Narrative Warfare: For Control Of Globohomo's Patronage Networks

The conflict between Patron and Client in two Tweets.

The Patrons, as I said last week, are very good at networking and organizing. They are the incumbent party here, with control over the institutions in all of the subject states of Globohomo. They can, and they are, using State power to shut down their rebellious Clients.

The Clients are good at mass actions and attracting media attention, as we see above and observers will see on social and news media alike throughout the Israel affair. That gets a lot of sentiment, but that does not translate to seizing power.

What we are about to see is that Influence is not Power. Since so many on both sides of this internecene conflict love Martin's Shit: The Fantasy story I find it useful to use one of its most clipped scenes to hammer the point home.

The Patrons will follow a policy of Containment. The Patrons have other enemies that they seek to deal with, so they will exploit this rebellion as best they can to advance that agenda (e.g. the attack on General Pershing's statue) while slowly wrangling the Clients back on to the plantation and whipping them back into line.

The Patrons have power. Public opinion does not matter; only elite opinion does, and as the Patrons are the elites only their opinions matter. The Clients think they are elites, but they are not and their grinding down and humiliation by the Patrons will be a public demonstration of this fact as things progress.

For now the Clients get to bully the children of the Patrons, but with each display of such predatory behavior the Patrons map out exactly who turned on them and how they can put this uprising down. Soon more States will follow France's lead. Soon more will also ban divestment from Israeli businesses (the anti-BDS laws), and more parties will make support of Israel explicit for access to either elected or appointed office.

State power is real and substantial. So is banking power, and that will be next to make itself felt as the funding for these operations starts drying up and racketeering charges start showing up in their place- maybe even terrorism charges. Controlled opposition parties (e.g. the Republicans in the United States) may be allowed to push through legal changes to remove aliens and foreigners that go against Israel if this goes on, and in some places in the West that pressure is already mounting.

I caution everyone that both sides of this fight are Globohomo Thralls; this is a knife fight in the backroom over the spoils of their criminal activity, so no matter who wins we are still in deep trouble and State power can only be strengthened as a result.

The best outcome is that both sides exhaust each other, allowing the dissidents the opportunity to act and remove both from the West and send them back to where they belong. This is not likely; you have better odds of winning the lottery or getting a decent movie out of the Devil Mouse.

Instead, do the following: do not go near any protests (you will not be protected; you will be targetted), do not take a side in this matter (not your problem; them being here instead of there is the problem), and be wary of both sides using this as a pretext to further attack and surpress the nations and cultures of the West in favor of Globohomo.

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