Sunday, November 12, 2023

Narrative Warfare: Weaponized "Whiteness"

I figured that there would be some angle by which Globohomo would fuck over dissidents and the Western nations. We got it this past week.

The Clients are using established Rhetoric and Cult Cant about "Whiteness" to collaps Schrodinger's Jew into the White category, thereby forcing the Patrons into a difficult position: side with the very people they hate to survive, or surrender to the Clients.

(By the way, this is another reason to Stay The Fuck Away From All This; you will be blamed for anything that goes down even if you're just there to use the bathroom or, like the protest at Grand Central Station in New York City, trying to catch a train.)

The Patrons have already chosen; they're not surrendering- they're networking to wield power against the Clients.

Which puts the Western nations in a bad spot. If the Clients continue their street actions and escalate to violent banditry (which didn't work so well in Panama), the Patrons will have no qualms using us as meatshields for their own kind (even if present attempts are not working). Fortunately, some of their Fellow Travelers in Spain fucked up and woke up a nationalist reaction.

The spirit of Franco remains in Spain.

This is what dissidents and the Western nations are up against now: a foreign conflict, by foreign parties, who both hate the West and the Western nations are allowed to do so because they are Thralls of Empire in service to Globohomo and so long as Globohomo as a whole benefits (and its enemies--us--suffer) they don't care about some internal slapfight between Thralls.

The aim of the Clients is to set up a Narrative frame where the Patrons are "White" and thus low-status and illegitimate according to Death Cult orthodoxy, thus using all of that hostile language against the Western nations ("Whiteness") as Rhetorical ammunition against the Patrons to justify doing violence to them and seizing everything the Patrons have as "reparations". If mutual enemies also get wrecked--again, that's us--so much the better.

The Patrons use their power behind the scenes to strip Client access to power, to money, to media access, and in time to housing, food, health care, and anything else in order to bring them to heel. They will have no problems using State power against any dissident or national foolish enough to even seem to side against them (including by merely being in the area when a protest goes down). There is already talk in various State governments of outright deportation of Clients; this will escalate to actual deportations soon enough.

Which is a bit of a quandry, but this is not about rational thought on either side; this is about power, and power need not deal in rational thought so long as it is seized and held.

I repeat my exhortation: You gain nothing by getting involed; you can only lose. DO NOT TAKE A SIDE! STAY AWAY FROM PROTESTS! Get clear, get secure, get ready for what comes next.

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