Sunday, November 19, 2023

Narrative Warfare: Weaponized "Whiteness" Institutionalized

Steve Sailer pointed out this past week, as has Auron MacIntyre, that the Patrons are being hoisted by their own petard.

There are a lot of Clients in Human Resources positions.

It's going to take a lot of Patron networking to marshal the resources necessary to counter-punch this attempt to frame them as White while pushing "Whiteness" as an existential evil to be exterminated- and Clients are chosen and groomed to do this on command like Doctor Who's famous Daleks. Rival cohorts will lead to the political version of this sooner than later.

But, while the Clients have low-level power in the institutions, they don't hold the high ground: finance.

They were reminded of this the other day when the Patrons flipped their shit at Elon Musk and began yanking advertising again from Twitter due to Elon making it policy to ban both sides if they got on the "Genocide is Good" bandwagon.

This should be giving the Clients pause, but they would not be Clients if they were capable of being shocked into pausing and reassessing their situation. Instead, it's going to lead to this--again--just as it is on the geopolitical stage.

Because the Clients forgot something that the Patrons know deep in their bones, having been on the wrong end of it several times over the centuries:

" … I was not making fun of you personally; I was heaping scorn on an inexcusably silly idea — a practice I shall always follow. Anyone who clings to the historically untrue and thoroughly immoral doctrine that violence never settles anything I would advise to conjure up the ghosts of Napoleon Bonaparte and the Duke of Wellington and let them debate it. The ghost of Hitler could referee and the jury might well be the Dodo, the Great Auk, and the Passenger Pigeon. Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and their freedoms."- Lt. Col. Jean V. Dubois (Ret.), Ch. 2, Starship Troopers

And Israel, on behalf of the Patrons, is smearing the world's face in this fact.

This is what the Clients and their supporters--looking at you Syrian Girl, Keith Woods, Millenial Woes, and several others--are still unable to accept: they are impotent in the face of an enemy ready, willing, and able to use violence to get their way.

That it also shows that "Muh Human Rights" and "Muh International Law" are as fake and gay as the Modernity that spawned them is just icing on the cake.

The Patrons control the violence of the Western States. If they wish it so, and as things progress that's increasingly likely, Western State violence can and will be used to put down the Clients with ruthless efficiency- and yes, Clown World notwithstanding, State violence remains a highly efficient and effective function of Globohomo-control regimes.

There is no reason for Israel to lighten up unless it's in its interest to do so, and given the past week's progress that's obvious to figure out: they're getting ready to finish the job up north before turning about and heading south to finish the conquest and annexation- and there is nothing that can be done to stop it.

There is no political will in the Arab World to intervene with force. No one has the means to use sanctions to hurt Israel, and with the US Navy patrolling all the likely approaches there is no ability for would-be allies to do so anyway without starting World War 3 in earnest, something no one wants.

This is what the well-meaning dissidents cannot handle, as shown by their own discourse; they rely on influence and pressure tactics against those who invented, refined, and WROTE THE BOOK ON THEM. That's not going to work, and the sooner this is acknowledged the better it will be. (Hint: You will have to do things that are not allowed to be talked about on Globohomo, Russian, or Chinese social media to win against Israel- or against the Patrons. Seize and wield power or shut the fuck up- you are not helping.)

(As a side note, Globohomo also remains capable of cleaning up its own messes when it wants to- just compare San Francisco during Winnie The Pooh's visit vs. before AND after. That, right there, shows that this is all deliberate policy and not just incompetence; they can make things better if they want to- and they don't because it means helping us, their enemy.)

And yes, as I predicted last week, the native Western nations are being blamed for it all despite that being nonsencial. Tommy Robinson's stunt in the U.K. is the most high-profile example, but there are others great and small.

Fortunatley there is, at long last, a realization that maybe these Patrons aren't our friends; U.S. military recruiting is so bad that they resort to setting up at anime convensions and still fail.

As we come into the Holiday Season for 2023 in the United States, and more generally come December, we can count on the insanity ramping up and likely breaking out into general violence again during a U.S. Presidential Election year.

Globohomo knows this. The Patrons know this. The Clients know this. Their masters know this. Things are going to go off the rails, over the side, and right into the abyss.

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