Sunday, April 7, 2019

Narrative Warfare: The Reboot Madness Didn't Stop In Hollywood

Today this came over my Twitter feed.

Jeff's not wrong. The rise of Hitler's Third Reich is a direct reaction to the degeneracy and failure of the Weimar Republic and the onerous surrender terms imposed at Versailles in 1918. In retrospect, the inevitability of this reaction is obvious. Furthermore, I posit that many observers at the time also concluded that this reaction had to happen if these conditions weren't removed.

The failure of the Republic is a direct result of the degeneracy fostered, and not just sexual degeneracy, despite that being the most notorious part. Every foul aspect we in the West ascribe to Hollywood specifically and to the entertainment business generally found its first contemporary flowering in Weimar. It's why "Weimar" is a by-word for "late stage degeneracy" in right-wing parlance. The sex trade, in all its depravity, flourished. Drugs, crime, corruption, and economic instability coupled with foreigners exploiting the native Germans--often with the aide of German elites, echoing the present--all combined to make the resentful reaction happen.

And we all know what happened after 1932. I won't repeat it here.

What's bugging me is that the Thralls of Empire are not, as a class, stupid or ignorant- not the ones that run the show. The generation that made our current condition are well aware of Weimar. They are sufficiently intelligent to figure out how Weimar led to Hitler, in large part due to having men like Carroll Quigley on their side to document affairs for their benefit. They have to know, and yet they're doing it again.

If it weren't for the fact that the preceding generation attempted to run Hitler for their benefit, I'd chalk this up to stupidity. Instead, I'm wondering if this isn't yet another case of Let's You And Him Fight with the Thralls waiting to see who's going to win before committing, only it went wrong. "You" went after the wrong target first, and the Thralls had to commit too early to "Him" to compensate.

Today we see the God-Emperor routinely framed as a would-be Hitler. We see today's media idiots routinely defaming the nationalists and other parties resenting the rampant degeneracy and its knock-on effects. We also see those same idiots framing a US-v-China conflict with Russia playing the foil, but so far it looks like shenanigans behind the scenes intended to push that into happening aren't working as intended. It's almost as if someone's trying to repeating the staging of a past episode with a new cast.

Nah, I'm skipping this political theater. I recommend that everyone else refuse also. They can't have a war if no one shows up to fight.

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