Sunday, January 2, 2022

Narrative Warfare: 2021 Proved China a Paper Tiger

This past year we saw the myth of the Rising Power of China to be shattered thanks, in large part, to Xi Jinping making executive decisions aimed at kneecapping his enemies within the Chinese Communist Party by way of attacking the sectors of the Chinese economy wherein Jiang Zemin's allies source their power, money, and influence. The consequence is that China's economy is collapsing, and nothing either the central government or any of the provincial or local subordinates will do will succeed in arresting this freefall.

The collapse of the economy swiftly moved out of the financial (and adjacent stuff, like Tech and Entertainment) sectors and moved into the physical economy. We've all see the Ghost Cities, thanks to ADVChina and China Uncensored, but now more people outside of the mainland are seeing how terrible Chinese construction is in general; "Tofu Dreg" quality is apparent across the country, resulting in collapsed bridges and roads on a regular basis as well as new buildings that are unfit for purpose within a year of being finished.

Now the government bureaucrats--including cops--are getting pay cuts, causing losses of Face for all concerned, as the power grid keeps browning or blacking out and northern areas have their Winter heating supplies curtailed or cut off on top of having their annual harvest season cut short with a bitterly cold early Winter.

And this is the world-striding collosus that will conquer Taiwan? Hardly. Those hypersonic missile claims are bullshit propaganda; their internal tech is as terrible as what they export, so even if they can launch them the build quality is crap and the quantity is insufficient- don't believe the hype.

That also presumes that the People's Liberation Army wants to fight. They don't. India rountinely kicks the crap out of the PLA in border skirmishes, the PLA has never won a war--fucking Vietnam has kicked their ass--and their navy is even less tested than the army. Be it Taiwan, India, or elsewhere the only way the PLA gets anywhere is if it pulls sucker punches after using honeypots to sucker guillible corrupt officials into debt traps.

That game, by the way, is not one they're particularly good at. Globohomo has been better at it for longer, and Globohomo wants to take China down now that the ChiComs rebuffed Globohomo's previous offer of world hegemony in return for bending the knee. Guess who's been behind most of the recent upendings of Belt & Road projects? It ain't Russia (though they have screwed Beijing here and there)?

Chinese Face Culture is the driving factor behind all these Own Goals, and it's continuing to get worse. Imagine a Gamma Male as manifest in a government and that's the CCP; it's all about image no matter now delusional or non-functional, there's nothing but 24/7 lying going on (especially within), followed by doubling-down and projection that could be used to launch payloads into orbit.

And here's a news report that hammers that bit home.

Contrary to what Vox Day and other dissidents may want to believe, China is a dysfunctional country run by an incompetent state comprised of Gamma Males from top to bottom; it's like you handed losers like John Scalzi or that Jack Murphy guy a government and let them promptly crash the state and those within it nose-first into the ground. Vox doesn't screw up often, but this is one of them, and he really ought to know better than to cite literal government propaganda outlets as reliable sources when you know damn well he'd never do that--and has not done that--when it's a Globohomo regime pulling some bullshit.

He'll come around sooner or later, and when he does he'll admit his error, and I hope the others that erred like this do likewise- and sooner than later. The only thing China is good at is the same thing Western thots are good at: conspicuous consumption, social media bullshit, and outright lying. There's no Nationalist example to be gained there; the best thing we can hope for out of China is its conversion to Christianity and a reform of the state to conform to Christian principles of proper governance. Empire falls.

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