Sunday, December 29, 2024

The Great Betrayal of the Baby Boomers

This past week, while roasting Elon Musk for pushing for Infinity Pajeets on H-1Bs (which is a terrible idea, as it is when Mainland Chinese swarmed the US), we had those wretched thieving bastards cluck from their retirement homes to shiv their own children one more time. Cat Girl Kulak posts the best summary below.

Taking property passed down to them, with the expectation that--as it was preserved for them by their elders--they will cultivate and steward it for the betterment and benefit of their own children and grand-children, and then spending it all on their own pleasures without any regard for their posterity while betraying their successors in favor of aliens and foreigners is truly a Biblical level of crime perpetuated by an entire generation. In historical terms, this is one of the most common ways for nations to collapse and fall.

Power and wealth must be seized from the Boomers before they finish wasting it all on themselves; it is not, and never has been, the property of any one man or even any generation in particular- it is the property of the family as a whole. The leading generation is nothing more than a Trustee managing a Trust, to which all of the consanguinity is a beneficiary that is entitled to enjoy its proceeds; this is how things worked in the Ancient World, and it is to the Ancient Law that the West must return to see Empire fall.

Yes, this means that Modernity must be treated as the heresy that it is. Yes, this means that the Enlightenment is a lie. Yes, this means a lot of things from roughly 1500 A.D. forward (if not earlier) are wrong and needs be reverted. Modernity is Boomerism. Boomerism is Empire. Empire must fall.

PS: Oh man, this post on Twitter nailed it.

No aliens. No foreigners. All of them must go, legal or not, long-timers or not.

And no, this is not the limit of my opinion on the matter. I go far, far harder than this.

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Narrative Warfare: Cars Of Peace In The East & West

This past week we had an alien in Germany attack a Christmas market by driving a car through the car barriers and plow through the crowd at highway speeds.

Meanwhile, China has seen such attacks going on daily for weeks.

The commonality between the two is the following:

  • The attackers are people consumed by envy and resentment. Why does not matter.
  • The attackers were known to authorities before it happened and did nothing.
  • The attackers deliberately targetted children.
  • The authorities go out of their way to bury the facts in favor of a preferred narrative. (YOU ARE HERE)
  • The authorities use these incidents to give cover to the fuckery against the people that they intended to do all along.

As Mr. Sellner notes, this is no different than American shooting incidents that get official media coverage. All of the same tropes apply: known to the cops, "on their radar", and yet no attempt to prevent the attack is made.

Folks, those government agents are not retards. You have seen them suddenly become very competent and effective when it's Enemies of the State they're after.

The German government--and, by extension, the European Union and Globohomo--wanted that to happen. They wanted that to happen for the same reason the CCP doesn't give two shit about their attacks going off: they need the Normies to shit their pants and demand the government to DO SOMETHING. The government will then implement their prepared (non-)solution that just fucks over the Normies.

The real answer is to remove the threats and those that enable them: first the wind-up toys (the aliens in the West, the disturbed peoples, etc.) from the population, and then purge the government agencies AND their private cutouts from top to bottom WITHOUT EXCEPTION. Everyone goes, and most of them get permant relocation to the very underground forever homes they intend for us while a few merely get to sit in a prison cell until they day.

That's how it has to be to make Empire fall.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Narrative Warfare: Both Imperial Networks Threw Out A Lot Of Tells

The week after Syria's fall proved illuminating, but not for the reason you may think.

No, it revealed whom among the media operators outside the Thralls of Empire in the various Imperial media institutions were Thralls and which were not.

There are two networks of "independent" media channels, one serving Globohomo and the other serving the Red Dynasty (but mistaken as Neo-Tsarist). These are assets and agents waging Narrative Warfare for their Imperial masters. The competent ones will avoid outright bullshitting, preferring omission and attention management instead; they won't lie to you, but they won't give you the full truth or put a lot of focus upon what they want to conceal. The incompetent and desperate flat out lie, and it's the eruption of the latter that's been telling this week.

Let's start with the latter.

This group I call "The CCP Shillsphere", and it comprises most of the pro-Russian channels and social media accounts. The reason for the label? These people can, have, and do talk shit about Putin and Moscow and Russian operations from time to time; they never say one damned thing criticizng Xi Jinping, the CCP, the PLA, or any of their operations- it's all glowing praise. That is the tell.

Not all people in this sphere know they're being used. As with Globohomo, most of them are useful idiots used as assets for the handful that are agents.

  • The New Atlas (Agent; Berletic is in Thailand, which is significantly infiltrated by CCP Intelligence, so he can easily be turned and run by a PLA Case Officer)
  • George Galloway (Agent; he's been a professional contrarian for the whole of his adult life and thus easily approached to be run)
  • The Duran (Assets; both men are dissidents but lack discernment and thus can be easily suckered by someone like Berletic)
  • Gonzalo Lira (Asset; proven by how readily he was exploited by The Duran, Galloway, Berletic, and then cut loose the instant he gets into serious trouble)
  • Danny Haiphong (Asset; earnest man, but naive, easily suckered)
  • Richard Medihurst (Asset; butthurt Third Worlders are easily suckered into being disposable tools for Imperial networks)
  • Neutrality Studies (Asset; anxious, naricisstic academics are the classic Useful Idiot)
  • Garland Nixon (Asset; he wants to be like Galloway, so easily sucked into the net)
  • Mark Sleboda (Asset; he wants to be part of the same game as the pro-Globohomo academic/journo/offcial set but got denied, so he's butthurt)
  • DDGeoPoltics: See The Duran (applies to Ritter, MacGregor, Judge Napolitano, and others around The Duran also)
  • Aussie Cossack: See Galloway, but he ain't getting paid.
  • Redacted (Asset; dissident MSM journos in exile took a good deal to keep their indie outfit going without worrying about Google, but that deal was with an Agent with a minder)

Don't think I left Globohomo out. They operate differently because they don't need minders like the Shillsphere does; Google, the MSM, Facebook, etc. do all of that so there is no need for a Spook to be minding a key Agent, through which they manage the vast influence network like the Shillsphere. NONE of these people (well, maybe Ward) are under any active Intelligence management; those functions are baked into Western social media, getting the same results without the Glowies needing to do anything, as Mike Benz explained.

The tell for a pro-Globohomo outlet is being openly anti-Russian/Chinese to a stupid degree, but due to how Globohomo set this all up there is no need for them to lie. This is a real example of Structural Advantage being a thing; they are rewarded for willingly (actively or passively) promoting the Globohomo line.

  • Task & Purpose: MIC shill
  • Sandboxx: MIC Shill
  • The Enforcer: Pro-Globohomo and not shy about it.
  • Business Basics: Pro-Globohomo
  • Caspian Report: Pro-Globohomo
  • Good Times Bad Times: Pro-Globohomo
  • Ward Caroll: Ex-military; backchannel disclosure asset (and may be actively managed)
  • Pyotr Kurzin: Asset (Russian dissidents are particularly effective for Globohomo due to being bi-lingual and personally familiar with how Russia works; they don't need to lie to be effective propagandists.)
  • INSIDE RUSSIA: Asset (Konstantin's business talk and demonstration of Christian faith is very effective against Western audiences.)
  • Vlad Vexler: Russian liberal intellectual in exile. He needed no prodding to operate as an influencer.
  • Natasha's Adventures (She, and other female Russian dissidents, are very effective; don't need to talk politics much, so her influence effectiveness is strong because she wants you to like her, so by extension if Putin goes down and she can go home again she can be happy and maybe you can meet someone like her there. Very effective; just ask The Filipina Pea, who pulls this stunt actively to promote the Phillipines.)
  • Eli From Russia: See above
  • Yuli's Russia: See above
  • NFKRZ: Asset (Russia liberal Chill Dude Bro, apolitical, which makes him pro-Globohomo by default and his relatability and sincerity makes him effective as an influencer.)

"But what about the Lines On Maps cohort?"

The biggest tell about this group being more or less (they have their biases) okay is that (a) they revise their takes as information comes in, and (b) they show the lines on the maps and (for the better ones) how they geolocated the movements they report (i.e. provide receipts).

  • Defense Politics Asia (biased against Globohomo)
  • Military Summary (biased towards Russia)
  • History Legends (slight Russian bias)
  • William Spanel (professionally pro-Globohomo)
  • Michael De La Broc (neutral)
  • S2 Underground (neutral)

The Takeaway: If you do not need an Imperial-aligned outlet in your feed, cull it; stick only to those that show their receipts so you can verify claims yourself.

The Game: They will target known issues in your country, in your society, and feed you what you want to hear. Then, once you're paying attention, they will enact Cult Recruitment tactics by emotionally associating what they (correctly) identify as wrong with their proffered alternatives, and the better operators will have a counter-narrative on hand to explain their alternative and why it is superior to what you know.

This is how RT operates in Western media, Voice of America in hostile/neutral media, and other outlets (such as CGTN) do the same thing; the catch? They are all using American techniques to do this. Techniques that were pioneered over a century ago during World War I on Madison Avenue in New York by the co-founders of Public Relations: Edward Bernays and Walter Lippman. (Not a surprise, as all they did was to secularlize old esoteric practices.)

They are dealing in using Psychological Operations to get your to lower your guard, through which they cram in Infohazards that scramble your reasoning and render you open to reprogramming into a cult devotee- a True Believer. This is what a lot of the Assets look and sound like because they are. ("Which side?" "Yes.")

Knowing the tells of a cult programmer is knowing the tells of a political propagandist is knowing the tells of an abusive relationship because they are the same thing. Being free and sovereign starts between your ears: learn Friend/Enemy Distinction, learn how and when to determine the Exception, and reclaim your mind. Without it, you cannot win.

Empire Must Fall.

P.S.: For those, like the Syrian Girl, who've had a very bad time of things as of late you will note that I left those like her out. That's because people like her are pro-Syria (i.e. pro-Assad) and everything else second; these people will align with whomever, go on with whomever, etc. so long as they believe that it advances their cause. Whaever else may be said of them, they are an earnest and sincere cohort in their aims even if they are ineffective, incompetent, and tragic falures in their efforts because they do not (either due to ignorance of nescience) know how power really works. (Hint: You are considere Useful Idiots to be used and tossed by Imperial powers because you have no power of your own to wield; users don't fear their tools.)

Do your mourning, then go look in the mirror. There is no one coming to restore your country. You're on your own. Either you do what it takes to win or suffer the yoke- and, to date, you have not even tried.

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Globohomo Gets Another Win (In Syria)

What I had intended to write for this week got pre-empted by what just went down in Syria this past week.

This development caught everyone in OSINT off-guard, and they weren't the only ones.

And if you need it spelled out in Black & White:

Because that's what being subjugated into a vassal state means, and as Syria will become a Turk vassal, Turkey is a (very troublesome and resentful) vassal of Globohomo.

Who loses here? Russia and Iran. Who wins here (besides Turkey)? Israel, first and foremost, followed by the United States, the members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Oman), and then the rest of NATO (and thus the EU and associated European states).

By extension, China also loses because of the second-order consequences of Russia and Iran getting their shit pushed in.

"But how? That video isn't enough." No worries, I got you.

This doesn't paint a prestigious or powerful picture of Bashar Assad or his government. That is unfortunate, as being one of them is required to stay in power in peacetime and both is required for wartime- and Syria's been at war for many, many years.

For many supporting him, this is not a happy time. Globohomo's proxies will certain turn their guns on each other once the Assad regime is totally eliminiated, meaning that this civil war will not end anytime soon unless and until the Imperial parties successfully yank the leashes on those proxies and bring them to heel; that is far from a certain thing in this area of the world.

Either after the second round of fighting concludes, or it is pre-empted by the Patrons reining in their Clients, what will follow will not be a rebuilding and revitalization of Syria for Syrians. It will be the imposition of a defacto Imperial occupation regime organized specifically to loot the country of its resources and the Syrian nation (what remains of it) of its wealth while building up a buffer state to use against rival Imperial powers (i.e. vs Russia, China, and India).

There is one other thing to take away from this development: this move came about because the Syrian regime got hollowed out as a direct result of sustained economic sanctions for years on end. In gaming terms, this means keeping the mob tied down with Crowd Control while loading it up with Damage Over Time effects and sustaining those DOTs over that long duration of time until it was too weak to fight back anymore.

What does this mean? This is what awaits Russia and China. Russia is much further along the Tank-and-DOT strategy, but China is already seriously weakened due to the DOTs already inflicted upon it and recent events show that this stress is forcing the Red Dynasty into a power struggle.

This is the Mithridates Strategy in action. Syria has proven that it works. It's working on Russia. It's working on China. It's working everywhere that is not already proofed against it- and nowhere is, which is why it's working. (Yes, this means that Vox Day is wrong, as are all the others saying that Russia/China/BRICS will beat Globohomo. Deal with it; the facts are what they are.)

Globohomo will not fall from without. It can only be taken from within- only by the Men of the West, who are proofing themselves against it.

So yes, this is a win for Globohomo, but every win exposes more of how Globohomo works to those with eyes to see- and more can now than before. Empire Must Fall.

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Narrative Warfare: The Swerve From Two-Tier Kier

(A tip of the hat to Academic Agent for mentioning this on Twitter.)

First, let's let AA set the scene.

What did Two-Tier Kier do that had AA immediately say that this is Tony Blair's doing, using Kier as a puppet for his actions?

Why, it was this astounding public confession:

This man is Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

No sooner did he come into office last Summer than he immediately doubled-down on all the pro-Globohomo oppression of the British nations objecting and protesting the clear favortism of the very illegals his predecessor, his party, and his predecessor's party (all Globohomo Thralls of Empire, so this is all just squabbling over spoils) especially after one of them knifed a British girl to death.

That didn't go well.

While he used State power to repress the outrage and jail as many as he could, releasing illegal prisoners to make room for them, all of this was a Public Relations nightmare for his and got him his nickname as he openly used two-tier policing where all could see it in action.

Rather than maintain the charade that (a) illegal immigration is not happening and it's Muh Far-Right Conspiracy, and because (b) legal(ized) hostile aliens (Pajeets in particular) are openly saying this is revenge for past British colonization, Kier came out with that public statement because political enemies at home and abroad are successfully using his own incompetence to outflank him and undermine Globohomo in the UK.

The decision likely got finalized after Trump won the White House; he would not be so pressured if Heels-Up Harris scammed out a win.

What this admission does, and how he framed it as an all-Tory affair (denying all Labour involvement with this), is an attempt to do the Microsoft 3E Strategy: Embrace, Extend, Extinguish.

Notice that he's using terms popularized by Mike Benz ("Blob") and Tucker Carlson (everything else), and they in turn took them from the Dissident Right. He will do to those terms what the bitch-tier Globohomo Thralls did to "grifter": overuse and overextend those terms until they fit the new definitions he puts to them via Frame Game manipulations. You already seen it in how he reframes the Great Replacement as a Tory-only thing.

That's the swerve: to do a Limited Hangout operation, make the rival Thralls take the fall, and reframe the Narrative back into control so the enemies of the Regime in the UK are again closed out of the Narrative and thus have no viable route to power via peaceful means, which means the framing of them as "potentially violent" extremists that need to be taken out pre-emptively remains.

Embrace, Extend, Extinguish.

Devilish of Blair, if he's the man that AA says he is ("The Dark Lord"), because someone's doing this and Two-Tier Kier ain't got the power in his brainmeats to do this on his own. This is an intent to seize the issue from the enemy, do enough performative Remigration to shut up the masses, and then continue on doing the thing behind the scenes.

Empire Must Fall.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Frame Game Radio & The US State Department's Role In Empire

Remember Frame Game Radio?

That was Mike Benz. Now exposed, he's counterpunched by going public and talking at length about how Globohomo's Narrative Warfare mechanism works. Below is a primer, from which you can follow on to the rest of Mike's posts on Twitter and his other interviews.

You can follow Mike's claims on your own to verify them; he has the receipts and he shares them.

For some of you dissidents, Mike's absolute position on Free Speech on the Internet is a turnoff. Stow that shit away. He is telling you how the enemy works, and how long they've had to figure out how to make it work, and explaining to you why they work the way that they do. This is a massive win for dissidents, and you are retarded not to take it.

Mike's other interviews and Twitter streams will enhance your comprehension of what he presents above. Follow that up, take notes, find the patterns, map that pattern to past and present events, and you'll get something you can use--intelligence you can act upon--to counter not only Globohomo but (as the rival empires copy Globohomo's lead) all of the rival Thralls' attempt to become the hegemon in turn.

You want someone giving you info you can use? There's a man giving it out.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Narrative Warfare: There Is No Return To Fresh Prince, Only To Its Skinsuit

Following up from last week, the based Boer known as The Aristocratic Utensil sums up the present state of the dispute between Academic Agent and Auron MacIntyre.

My take is simple: we are one week, nearly two, out from Trump winning and the Globohomo Thralls have not come to a consensus yet.

In the meantime, there are pockets of Thralls concentrated on immediate threats to their positions and privledges and not to the wider consensus-building effort. Once those immediate concerns are sorted, then we'll find out which way this goes.

I am skeptical of AA's Power-As-Primary position because being Le Donor Class means nothing without teeth, like a judiciary unable to enforces its rulings. This is why I find the useful labeling to be Merchants and Golems; the Merchants are the Power, while the Golems are the Ideology.

The problem with Golems is that they tend to run amok if not strictly controlled, something Merchants (not being Warriors, and thus lacking the character required to do so) turn out to be bad at doing as they consider it bitchwork. (They love themselves some automation for that reason.) The problem with the Merchants is that when they do yank on those very chains, they over-react and thus lay the groundwork for the next Golem revolt.

"So what are they going to do?"

What they did when the previous push flamed out: go back underground. Keep it quiet. Keep it out of the public eye. Bide their time.

"Be kind" is the code phrase for "keep it on the down-low".

This is not putting the Woke away; this is fallback to a prepared secondary position, rally there, and then come back stronger to retake lost ground and push further anew.

It's not over. Auron will, ultimately, win this bet because he's read the Death Cult right. There is no return to Fresh Prince. There is only the Death Cult using it as a skinsuit to try again.

Sunday, November 10, 2024

The U.S. Election, Power, Ideology, And Which Is Primary.

This past week, the American Nation defeated the Globohomo Thralls' attempt to keep the God-Emperor away from the Golden Throne. Donald Trump won again.

The post-mortems are flying around furiously on all sides, but I want to focus your attention to Auron MacIntyre and Academic Agent. They have had, and still have, a difference of opinion on which is primary: Power or Ideology.

Below I'll embed their respective videos where they touch on this in the context of the election and the responses by the Globohomo Thralls of Empire. AA also cut an article for his Substack publication on the matter, which is worth a read.

As of this point, AA's explanation has the superior pile of receipts backing it up while Auron--aside from his valid point on non-falsifibility--was lacking until today's Regime Media clips started making the rounds proving Auron's point on Ideology being primary.

But AA's argument has a cornerstone that Auron not only cannot refute, but already accepts as correct and agrees upon: that what matters is the better-organized and supplied elite cohort, and the elite faction backing Trump was that cohort while the faction backing Biden was not. Furthermore, that losing faction acknowledged its inferior state by its action- by its deeds. AA's Jobber Hypothesis got confirmed by events.

What neither man mentioned explicitly, but Auron said implicitly, is that the Globohomo Thralls can accept the cost of replacing their man with a Jobber because they have control over the institutions of the United States and much of the Western world generally. They have a fallback position. From that position they can rally, regroup, organize, and execute a counter-strategy from a position of strength.

This is what people like Mike Cernovich, Milo, Douglas Mackey, Elon Musk, etc. are pointing out now consistently as the down-ballot races (and the fuckery therein) gets sorted. AA's position on Power being primary ignores the motivating and animating power of Ideology, believing ultimately that the end of Globohomo's Thralls is power itself and ideology is just a tool to use to get/keep/expand that power. Auron's position is that Ideology is primary because that determines the end, to which power is just the means to get those ends to manifest.

What I see is that these are, as AA implies, two rival cohorts dealing with a third cohort backing Trump and his coalition. The Power faction are the Zionists. The Ideology faction are the anti-Zionists, as that's how the Power/Ideology question is playing out between them.

The Ideology faction, when dominant, imposes its dystopian Theocratic regime upon those whom it subjugates. This is why you get all the humiliation rituals, the Friend/Enemy distinction so stark and obvious even Carl Schimdt says you're overdoing it (which is also why Muh Hypocrisy doesn't even phases them; you don't treat Friends as Enemies and vice-versa), the naked displays of petty power-tripping coupled by abject victim-performativism when they lose like they're Starscream out of Transformers. For all their performative Theater Kid bullshit, they are True Believers and thus religious fanatics so there are no brakes on their train

The Power faction, when dominant, plays Good Cop (them)/Bad Cop (Ideology) with the subjugated population. This is where AA gets "The Woke Gets Put Away" and thinks that Power always wins and Ideology is just a tool- for Power it is and they do "If you don't do as I say, I can't guarantee that these insane lunatics won't harm you" in the most naked form of Protection Racket fuckery around.

What Auron doesn't get is that Ideology fumbles power because they are driven by their fanaticism to pursue its ends no matter the costs, costs which squanders power when they have it. Because it wastes power like a teenager handed an inheritance of billions and no one around to stop them from going on a massive spending bender, Ideology rarely lasts in power if there is a rival cohort ready to pounce and able to succeed- and martyrdom, believe it or not, is not the trump card believers think it is.

What AA doesn't get is that Power gets seized by ideology when it misreads its ability to contain and control it, ending up being eaten by their own pets, because naked pursuit of power as the end in itself only appeals to Psychopaths and Sociopaths and most people Just Can't Even into that so they end up taken by ideology because of its greater power to justify action and thus power.

Yes, you need both, and that means you need an elite cohort that comprehends what Power is and how it works as well as what Ideology is (i.e. Narrative) and how it works- and why any ruling elite must have mastery of both to take and hold power long-term.

This is not a question of "Which matters?" but rather a question of "How do you mix them together to get the synthesis that is required to achieve long-term success?"

Until AA and Auron come to that point, they will continue to talk past each other and both will end up falling short of achieving the mission that they set for themselves.

N.B.: The reason martyrdom isn't a trump card is that it relies on the ability to report the events leading to that event to others. In short, it is wide open to Narrative Warfare, and if you think such events can't be recast by enemies to--at worst--not serve believers' interests then I remind you of how many who died for their beliefs are regarded today- with scorn and contempt. That, however, is worthy of a massive post to itself as control over the narratives of martyrdom is itself a theater of war.

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Narrative Warfare: A Look At How It's Done Via The Hellmouth Front

This past week one of the many channels on YouTube that tracks Hollywood cut a video about Ryan Reynolds and Bob Iger. This video turned out to be a fantastic example of how Narrative Warfare works in action, so let's take a look at it.

The Channel.

You know by the name that you're not getting someone pretending to be wholly neutral, detached, disinterested, and objective. This is good; a channel that does not hide its point of view in the least is far more honest than someone that fronts as neutral but instead presents a propaganda piece.

This channel is against Globohomo's influence in the Hellmouth and therefore is aimed at attacking Globohomo-held institutions and the individuals that control as well as key subordinates under such command.

Therefore it is reasonable to conclude that a channel like this would, in fact, be a vector for enacting Narrative Warfare attacks against enemies. Don't take this video, or any other on this channel, uncritically; there's stuff here that sounds like hopium mixed into the verifiable facts that mix together to set and frame a preferred Narrative.

The Video

Effective Narrative Warfare attacks work off a core of fact and substance, and what is said here about Reynolds and Iger is not new. It's been all over Hellmouth media (formal and otherwise) for years. Jackman backing Reynolds is also not new. The new part is the possibility of this being the basis for a successful ouster of Bob Iger and his gang.

With how much everything about the business is changing AND how weak the Devil Mouse and Iger Gang are (and it is not getting better), coupled with the general discontent in the public, and you have the possibility of this going from Narrative to Reality quickly if this seems to get sufficient public reception. That's what this is really about: seeing if the idea is attractive enough to execute upon. It's A/B Testing.

Pay attention to the presentation. There are facts put before you, but framed in a manner that creates the intended narrative: a counter-elite willing and able to rally the audience against the ruling elites in charge, because that is necessary to kill the DIE Regime that Globohomo's pushing worldwide in all things.

The Objective

This is not done by Reynolds or anyone in his camp. This is an attempt by parties who are against Iger Gang trying to pressgang someone already known to be frustrated with Iger Gang into a position of leadership by using media manipulation to manuever Reynolds into taking up the proffered role of Public Hero against Iger Gang, knowing that (like all of those business successes mentioned) he is not the driving force- just the front man selling it.

Look at the framing. Constantly mentioning Iger Gang pushing deeply unpopular moves. Constantly mentioning Reynolds' fantastic treatment of the audience, and his successes in other business ventures contrasted with Iger Gang taking the profits to finance unpopular moves as it if were theft, to get the viewer to view Reynolds favorably via sympathetic framing and playing up the potential of Reynolds unfucking Marvel (and Disney) by taking it from Iger Gang as the solution to the present problems.

This is not news. This is propaganda. This is is an advertisement trying to sell you on the idea of Reynolds as a real life cultural hero to save Pop Culture from a known and proven incompetent and/or fanatical Death Cultist by a rival would-be elite that is opposed to Iger Gang such as Nelson Peltz or Bob Chapek.

If this sort of video keeps coming up in different channels, that's when you know it's an organized Narrative Warfare campaign for certain. If it starts getting popular, that's the tell that it is succeeded, and Reynolds' reaction will tell you if he's involved or not.


At this time, I don't think this is Reynolds; maybe someone a few degrees removed are testing this to see if there's demand, and then (if so) Ryan gets tappped and brought in because you don't let the Face run the show if you can help it. Ryan's not stupid, however, and will see the value in doing things like this because it's how he rehabilitated his own image-branding failures years ago into what he is now and others in the Hellmouth are just as savvy. If this goes somewhere, you'll know when others opposed to Iger Gang in both Marvel and Lucasfilm as well as Disney proper start aligning themselves with it (and him).

But, until then, this is just a trial ballon. It's a pilot episode, a pre-vizualization video, a test- an A/B Test. If the target audience likes it, they go with it; if not, they drop it and do something else. Simple as.

That's how basic Narrative Warfare works. Once you see it, you can't unsee it.

Now try this with all that talk of North Korean troops in Ukraine, the atrocity claims in Gaza, and especially all sorts of election coverage (US this week, UK and EU recently, others to follow). You'll soon see what is there to set a narrative vs. what is there to merely observe and report in a detached and disinterested manner.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

The 1K Special

Well, I didn't think I'd get this far.

I was a different man when I began this blog. You can see the changes; I hid nothing since the first post. Writing was different. Beliefs were different. Policy positions were different.

Yet what remained consistent was my definition of "Empire", and my insistence that it is a metaphysical force that is no good for Mankind. Today I call it Satanic, though I am open to the idea that Empire is an egregore, but even that just ends up in the same place and changes nothing but a few details on how to destroy it.

That was not all that remained consistent. Before I started using the term, I never heard of "Narrative Warfare", and I never saw anyone attempt to track a toxic meme (or, if you prefer, an egregore) across time and space in the attempt to seek out its origin. (TLDR: As of this post, Genesis 6 and the Book of Enoch.)

That said, I have decided to move this blog (by this name or another) to Substack. I will do so around the turn of the year. The reason is simple: Substack makes it very easy to monetize, and I am no longer in a position where I can do this for free. While the Clubhouse is meant to be mostly free posts with a few paywalled specials, I will do the reverse for this; key posts, such as conceptual definitions, will be free and the rest paywalled (albeit with a preview, sometimes of some substance).

The aim is simple: to make enough from direct subscription-based support to ensure that I need no external support thereafter. I wish it were not necessary, but it is.

Empire must fall, and logistics wins wars.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

The Fancy Spoon Talks About The God That Failed

The Boer Utensil has a point to make.

What I am not hearing out of this is why this makes a State an Empire.

Furthermore, this doesn't even need a King or Emperor. All it requires is a Patriarch. The basis for Civilization is the Family.

No, I don't mean it the way it's used now. As that video shows, the Family is a State unto itself- and it is an Absolute Monarchy.

While I agree that the European nations long for kings, and being Euro-descendant that still has weight with the American nation, we Americans must take the harder roads and revert straight to Ancient Patriarchy.

The modern State, the modern Corporation, and the modern individual are all Fake and Gay bullshit. The ancient family is ALL of those things, and it is Natural Law; this is an emergent property written by God into the fabric of Creation itself. Any polity that doesn't build off of this deserves to die.

A fixed American polity, which must be a Republic or it's not American, works this way:

  • The Family--defined as the entirety of the legitimate (i.e. born in wedlock) scions of a total patrilineal consaguinity--is the fundamental unit of the American polity. It alone has Personhood as we define it now, and thus assumes traits we current put to both natural and corporate (i.e. legal) Persons. The Patriarch of the Family is Pater Familias, and is the sole party responsible for ALL family members regarding outsiders; he has both absolute liability and absolute authority- and the power that goes with both.
  • Within a given political boundary, the eldest Patriarch administers that unit as he sees fit. The town is run by the eldest Patriarch in town, and so on up the chain. This is not negotiable. Don't like the current guy? Gank him, and everyone else, between him and your guy. Simple as.
  • The Family is checked only by the Church. ("Which one?" I capitalized the term. Figure it out.) The Church, furthermore, is there to be a safety valve; orphans unable to find homes, dissonant outliers who cannot find a place in secular society, etc. are to be taken in by the Church and either made useful (clerical work, ordination, etc.) or made impotent (i.e. by taking them out of the country, putting them in monestaries or hermitages). This is the only major change from the Ancient Family and religion, as the Ancient model is pre-Christian.

This addresses all of Spoon's criticisms, while retaining the core American character. There is nothing about republican forms of government that requires ANY democratic mechanisms at all. You can, and I have laid out how, a Republic can have absolute leadership.

There is a crystal clear chain of command between Families in terms of seniority; this is Explain Like I'm Five levels of simplicity and robustness. The system runs off "Fix it or I fix you" as a core tennant, making explicit in form what is already implicit in function in real life, and it removes those segments who have no business being anywhere near power or influence from having it.

With the Church on hand to intervene when things go awry (and the possibility of the Church again also being the Bank; see the example of Crusade-era international banking), and a system where the failure modes are well-known and well-documented (to make fixing and replacing easy to do), and you have a system that (a) conforms to Natural Law, (b) requires little complex machinry to operate (literal and metaphorical), and thus (c) is very robust and easily maintained without (d) having to resort to Empire. This is the basis for a Nation-State that WORKS.

And it is explicitly anti-Modernist by design.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

The Cycle of Empires Is Broken

Retards, Normies, and Dissidents alike say things like "The US is an empire. Empires don't last forever. The debt alone will sink the US."

You underestimate Globohomo if you think anything like this. Yes, Vox Day, I am looking your way- and you too, Doug Casey, and many other that ought to know better.

The Cycle of Empire is broken. Two things did it.

When a fucking Socialist and Marxist gets how this works better than "Right" talking heads do, SHAME!

This is how the system works. It's been implicitly so for centuries (see The Money Masters), and every last head of every last Central Bank in the world freely admits that this is how the system works on camera, on the record.

What does this mean in simple terms: The United States CANNOT GO BANKRUPT! You want to know why there's always money for things? This is why.

There will always be funding for the flexing of Imperial power because this is how the system works. Doesn't matter what the number is; the cost is paid, guaranteed. (If you want to know why you pay taxes, it's this simple: to compel the use of the currency issued. That's it; this is why the tax authorities are one of the strongest enforcement agencies in every government.)

That, right there, breaks the cycle. Yes, this is how it works in Russia and China (and India, Japan, South Korea, the United Kingdom, etc.- but NOT in European Union states because they are slaved to the Euro).

In theory, you could wage enough economic warfare to make the capacity of the economy unable to absorbe the generated currency, but that's where the backstop comes into play.

This is also the reason that the United States (as the muscle and engine for Globohomo) will never be openly invaded by hostile powers. (The traitors within are another issue, which is what we have in the US right now.)

Who the fuck is going to Margin Call the people who have (a) All The Nukes, sufficient to incinterate all life on Earth several times over, and (b) a ruling class sufficiently petty and venal to slam the button with the fist of an angry god if they believe that they stand a chance of losing power?

That's the other thing breaking the cycle: the ruling Imperial power has Everything That Matters under a Sword of Damocles. Everyone running a government knows this, which is why all of the hostile action against the United States (and by extension, Globohomo) is against the American nation and done by the American state using hostile actors as catspaws.

That's right, all those "Fuck you Yankee" sorts? You're all suckers being used by Globohomo. Good job, retards.

Until you break MMT, even removing the nukes is not enough; remember that the nukes are a backstop, not the backstop. MMT in effect means that one backstop can easily be replaced by another, and that "another" is already in development. (Yes, ol' Elon can, and likely is, involved in this somehow- if only as just a hired service to launch killsats.)

Empire Must Fall, but it will not just fall due to the old cyclical forces playing out. Globohomo's Thralls successfully patched that out, so it has to be done actively.

Take out the MMT, then the nukes, and then Empire will fall.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

The West Is Long Overdue For A Circulation Of Elites

The Shiba of Color gets me.

The incumbent elite class of the West are either traitors or incompetents. Either way, they have to go.

Yes, Academic Agent, I see you in the back. Don't think me unfamiliar with The Populist Delusion; I am calling for a long-overdue circulation of elites, and you definitely own Auron MacIntyre a cigar because the treasonous Western elites need The Woke so they won't put it away. It is the incompetent opposition that want to do so, but cannot because of some combination of corruption and incompetence.

The Death Cult afflicting the West seized power. They hold power. They are not going to just surrender it; it must be ripped from their hands by force.

Electoral measures are necessary, but not sufficient. We have already seen that Globohomo Thralls of Empire give no fucks about doing what it takes to stay in power; they just have preferences on the measures employed to do so.

They are necessary because these elites are guile-based narcissists so they are word-wizards and Narrative Warfare specialists. They cannot wield force well because it repulses them at a fundamental level; it disgusts them, so they are also disgusted by the men needed to use that force on their behalf, distrust them, and do what they can to keep them on very short leashes to assuage that visceral disgust when not needed in the moment to do violence that they cannot or will not do themselves.

These Globohomo Thralls will do whatever it takes to neuter or destroy threats to their power. AfD gets elected someplace? Lawfare, procedural gridlock, financial fuckery, etc. afflicts them into impotency when they can't just have elections stolen from them. Then, once the threat is put down the retalations come in the manner Mike Benz explained when he was on with Tucker Carlson: all power of the State is employed to destroy all possible enemies. This happened to Trump, and it is now happening to Marine Le Pen.

These same Globohomo elites recognize the potential for more action, so the massive invasion of hostile foreigners from Africa and Asia accelerated and flows of invaders are now deliberately deployed--with the aid of local elites in the targetted areas--into pockets of enemy populations specifically to disrupt those populations and eliminate the threat that they pose to Globohomo.

The only thing Globohomo Thralls of Empire can do is basic recognition of threats by enemies and the manipulation of pawns to throw into the way as disposable shields to tank the hits while they attempt long-term degradation strategies to wear down enemy targets into impotence and collapse- and they do this to rival Imperial powers and enemy domestic populations alike.

Which returns me to "necessary, but not sufficient".

What is necessary with electoral measures is to inflict psychological stress upon them repeatedly, which is happening as even Thralls far from a given episode's occurance (e.g. American Thralls about AfD's electoral wins) flip their shit about The Wrong Side Winning.

Which, in turn, forces more and more brick-to-face obvious flexes of institutional power in order to address the threat and assuage the freaked out fellow travelers. These are, in turn, pointed out on social media that Globohomo does not control--such as Twitter--and now more and more people see with their own eyes what was only talked about. You cannot tell them; you have to show them.

As more such actions and reactions pile up, it gets easier to show how these things directly and immediately affect a given individual; this throws popular support increasingly behind the dissident elite cohort organizing to punt out the incompetents in charge and their craven co-conspirators playing false opposition. This is a feedback loop, and it has become a race between how fast the dissident elites can organize and deploy political energy behind them vs. the Globohomo elites using State power to smash apart such bases of power.

Yes, this means that the dissident elites have cottoned on to the need to erect and maintain parallel organizations based on patronage; the real breakthrough will be when there is a route-around for the financial system fortress in the global bureaucratic order, as not even the rival Imperial powers have squared that circle just yet, though the Red Dynasty of Emperor Winnie has tried the hardest followed by the Neo-Tsar.

Now if these dissident elites could just get their shit together and coordinate internationally. Empire must fall. If they won't be scared into surrendering to save their own necks, they will see those necks separated from their bodies by men who tread their jeweled thrones under their sandalled feet.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Narrative Warfare: Why Does Grandpa Want All Those Radio Stations?

This one ain't hard to figure out. This is about Total Narrative Dominance.

The idea is that by taking out any radio station actively run by Globohomo they can fill the gap in their Wall of Narrative that's currently afflicting them.

While some known Cuckservatives are being deplatformed, the reality is that this is a freakout reaction. The Narrative that matters is not done over legacy media. It's done online via social media and more private outlets, both of which are contested at best and denied territory for Globohomo the rest of the time.

Therefore this is an attempt to either drown out Normie-facing media in Globohomo bullshit, hoping that this counteracts what they see online, or (more likely) this is a pure freakout reaction by an old man who doesn't comprehend how the game changed and is falling back on a now-obsolete playbook to cope with unexpected opposition.

John Kerry nails what Globohomo really wants:

That's an open, avowed desire for Total Narrative Dominance.

If Soros, coming from the Private end, were in coordination with Public action against online outlets they don't control (e.g. Twitter) this would be more concerning than it is; at present, it is not- but Elon's recent defeat in Brazil shows that it could still happen.

But not in time to affect the US Presidential Election.

And that is looking very bad for Globohomo, including the defeat of several go-to means for rigging elections (but not yet all of them). They're going to have to go kinetic on him again and soon because they're running out of time and options.

So no, those stations aren't yet a problem unless you're a Boomer that hasn't yet figured out how legacy media lies to you.

It's not over yet. Neither despair nor presume victory, but the signs of increasing desperation signal that Globohomo is afraid of the God-Emperor's return. Empire must fall.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Narrative Warfare: Ending The Illusion Of Civilian Neutrality In Business

This past week Israel revealed that it tasked its Intelligence agencies with the task of doing damage to its Non-State Actor enemies.

Israel's agencies did this by compromising the supply chain for popular electronic communications devices--pagers and walkie-talkies--bought by those actors to use as part of its communications. This has, with good reason, caused a lot of consternation both by those directly affected and by observors who were at some remove or uninvolved entirely alike.

This past week also saw Ukraine make use of drone technology to enable that government to engage in long-distance strikes upon Russian military targets deep within Russia.

While this had been going on at some time, comparison and contrasting these ongoing efforts with the revelation of Israel's ability to use similiar technologies to achieve precision attacks on far smaller and more mobile targets.

The Myth of Dual-Use Neutrality of Business

One of the things that Mike Benz repeatedly emphasized in his recent round of interviews, such as with Tucker Carlson, is that American corporations and lobby groups work hand-in-glove with American Intelligence via the U.S. State Department and the NGO Network. Because Benz also said that said State Department and the NGO Network is also the means by which Globohomo wrangles vassals states into line, we can conclude that the same US-centric arrangement extends to the European Union (including the non-EU members that are in the European Economic Area like Switzerland and Norway and the Asian vassals such as South Korean and Japan).

In each case there is this "dual-use" dogma in place to give all proceeding the patina of neutrality, dervived from "dual-use" technologies--usually economics or software, such as operating systems or micro-processors--that have ordinary civilian use-cases that are legitimate and a (para-)military use that (without State permission) is proscribed. The catch is that because of the former it is nigh-impossible to restrict trade in provision of such goods or services without damaging the economic or giving political leverage to your enemies.

That, until now, was a form of restraint. The accepted opinion was to exploit the constraint's usual two-way nature to find ways of tracking what went where, or who got what services, to further Law Enforcement or (Counter-)Intelligence operations.

One need only look at popular media articles, on all sides, across the last century or so to see that this was a myth agreed upon and not reality. Time and again there would be the ocassional sensational article, book, news segment on television, and these days that means podcasts and short-form video too all about how this or that was too dangerous for general use for this or that reason.

Sometimes this would get ridiculous--someone complaining about Toyota trucks being used in para-military capacities as latter-day Jeeps--and sometimes this would be used for other ends (anything involving nuclear power and electronics because Remote Detonation).

What this past week revealed is that one common complaint, usually only seen in fiction, was the real problem: compromised supply chains.

Again, recall that Globohomo in particular (but the CCP does this also as policy) operates via this public-private partnership centered around NGOs in order to diffuse liability and make accountability impractical if not impossible to enforce.

What could Mossad have done? They already had surveilance of enemy communications and assets with ears on the ground. All they needed to do was to slip between the ordered electronics' point of origin and their delivery to the buyers, which is very easy to do if you have "partners" and "associates" that can let your men in the back door to do what is needed to turn the products into bombs with remote detonation- and that assumes that wiring them as bombs is necessary at all.

And when your allies are happy to just make accomodations for your people to do what you want to the widgets, compromising those chains is no more difficult than making a phone call to the right NGO or Diplomatic office.

Going Forward, It's All Fair Game

Because there is no longer any illusion that there is a meaningful difference between Civilian and Military widgets or services due to this exposed arrangement, first seen in a more deniable form in Ukraine and now explicitly done by Israel, you can bet that more things previously restrained will be cut loose. Here and now, that means technologies long believed to exist are going to be confirmed or denied--no more Glomar Responses--in short order as they are deployed, detected, and disseminated by social media.

Among some people, this is theorized as a tactical nuclear warhead with a clean fusion device. What it really is will come out soon enough.

The post-WW2 consensus, which underlaid all this Dual-Use Neutality Mythology and other such stuff, is now rapidly unravelling. The paradigm is shifting, and that means that there is a window of opportunity opening up. Time to make Empire fall, and you can start by taking this myth and busting it.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Narrative Warfare: For Globohomo's Enemies, The Law

Something Frame Game talked about when he was on with Tucker is that Globohomo, working first through the US State Department and then through the European Union's various organs (and those of its member states), has no qualms doing massive purges of enemies of Globohomo when it installs its Thralls into power in a targetted polity.

Globohomo does not care how it is done. All it cares about is that (a) it keeps whatever power it takes and (b) it maintains plausible deniability because otherwise Total Narrative Dominance is threatened.

That's why they use lawfare first and foremost when purging enemies. They use captive media to frame the targets as BadWrongThinkers that did BadWrongThings so they must be punished to protect Muh Democracy (defined as the consensus of Globohomo-controlled institutions).

They also use the prisons to justify what would otherwise be condemned as Human Rights Violations (because it's okay when they do it), up to and including killing people.

Salvini may put up a brave front, but behind closed doors he and his side has to know that this is an implicit death threat should they succeed in imprisoning him. Opposing Empire is not without costs, and this is one of them. If you come at the king, you best not miss. Nonetheless, Empire Must Fall.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Narrative Warfare: Total Narrative Dominance Threatened

More Frame Game wisdom this week.

First, a setup. This Tweet summarizes it.

Frame Game broke this down when he was on Tucker Carlson the week or so before. Use the timestamps to get to the point.

Globohomo, moreso than the other two Imperial powers (Russia, China) and the wanna-be (India), are utterly dominant upon Narrative Warfare for their power and control.

It is, by definition, Totalitarian. Globohomo demands that you not only obey, but that you believe with utter sincerity in Globohomo's moral authority and thus legitimacy.

This is why no matter how small, how irrelevant, how trivial Globohomo's Thralls come after you and demand that your hobbies, your entertainments, your incidentals, your every waking moment and every slumbering second be wholly immersed in The Narrative. Globohomo's weakness, as shown by their deeds every time this gets broken, is that they cannot compete against a compelling alternative to The Narrative.

Why does the US State Department go after Elon? He breaks The Narrative. Why did they make Pavel (and thus Telegram) bend the knee? Because Pavel let others break The Narrative. Why is #Gamergate still fucking John Wick to them after 10 years? We broke The Narrative.

They cannot compete and win. They are forced to resort to censorship, sabotage, blackmail, and perfidity in order to force others out of the running so they can win by default.

This is why Globohomo runs off a policy of TINA (There Is No Alternative), and does it utmost to segregate populations from the rest of the world- even between populations under Globohomo's occupation. If a threat appears, it will attempt to subvert it into its control. If it cannot be subverted, it will be destroyed. If it cannot be destroyed, then access to it will be choked off. We see this in real time with videogames, comics, film, television, and prose media. Meanwhile, Globohomo forces open target populations' media markets to spread The Narrative to new subjects- exactly as Frame Game explained above.

And yes, "choke off access" goes both ways; if they can't stop the threat from getting to us, they can and do poison the well to repell us from the threat. (e.g. Regime Localizers willfully inserting The Narrative and other poison pills into translations).

Note that Globohomo goes out of its way to impose English as The Imperial Tongue, and if it can it tries to first make English the dominant tongue before making it the only tongue- and severely disincentivizing those that are not Thralls serving Globohomo from even trying to learn any other language or using it in Globohomo territory.

(Yes, EU, I am looking at you. Asia--Japan, South Korea in particular--you're next.)

What you see in this Brazil action is Globohomo's Total Narrative Dominance being directly threatened by Elon and his allies. A counter-elite is forming around him, Trump, and a few others in Globohomo's territory. If it is not them, it will be another counter-elite that forms the vanguard around which the forces will build that makes Empire fall.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Narrative Warfare: Ten Years After #Gamergate: We Did Far More Than We Thought

Frame Game Radio (Mike Benz) went on Tucker Carlson's show to talk about the arrest of Pavel Durov.

What he did over this two hour interview is lay out how Globohomo, in its current form, organizes against its rival Imperial powers: Russia and China.

What he inadvertantly revealed is that #Gamergate was the Black Swam event that prompted the Thralls of Empire serving Globohomo to freak the fuck out and go Full Tilt Bozo down the path we're on. In short, the idea that someone showed Steve Bannon what went down that had him going "WRITE THAT DOWN!" is not out of line- and Ricky Vaughn being sent to prison over memes is not just a LOLSORANDOM charge.

Listen very carefully to how Mike explains the Narrative Warfare capacity of Globohomo, when it came online, and why they freaked out.

He did not mention us by name, but considering the anniversary event and that Games Journos are the Farm League for Mainstream Media (just look at how hard Jason Schrier strives to get out of it to this day) and do every single bit of Narrative bullshit that the big players do FOR THE SAME REASONS.

We were the Black Swan that no one saw coming!

We were the first to crack that wall in the Narrative Warfare Dyson Sphere. Sure, we did it against the Regime's Farm League Teams, but we did it nonetheless; it's no different than an unexpected revolt in a heretofore secure rear area garrisoned by shitters and losers because that's exactly what it was.

The newbs and fuckups screwed up a job with low expectations, then fucked up the containment response, and suddenly people further up the status (and thus command) ladder had to be diverted to handle something that they should never have had to handle.

In the process of doing this, we did irreperable damage to the Narrative Warfare Complex. How? Let Arnie explain.

We made them bleed. More important is that we made them bleed where others, who can do far more than we ever did, could see it. Like Steve Bannon.

Mike may not have explicitly put the timeline together, as likely as not because he isn't that up on the lore, but it all tracks: Gamergate is what forced Globohomo to go Mask Off about Narrative Warfare.

Whatever else is said, whatever else becomes of it- or of us (and many of us are not going to get those glorious ends for this), this can't be taken from us: we made the Regime bleed, and that showed the Regime's enemies that it is not invulnerable- that it can be killed, THAT EMPIRE CAN FALL!

That, in the end, is worth it.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Narrative Warfare: Globohomo Wants To Control Your Comms

Found of Telegram, Pavel Durov, got arrest in France after arrive by private jet the other day. Mike Benz (Frame Game Radio) explains why.

This is why, in addition to WhatsApp, you don't use Discord to run your ops.

Telegram may come through this untouched, but Pavel will not and Globohomo is good at leveraging subjects it has intelligence upon into compliance- and that's before resorting to good old fashioned lying about it.

If Pavel is not prepared to die, and he is not prepared to extricate himself, then Globohomo will break him and turn Telegram into their turf as they did WhatsApp and Discord.

This also means that dissident businessmen need to reconsider their movement strategies. The French government knew Pavel was coming. Either it never occured to Pavel to lie, he or a known associate forgot to turn off their snitchbrick (most likely), or someone that should have kept their mouth shut talked; either way OpSec got breeched and the Frogs snatched him on arrival.

Dissident leaders, no matter their command, need to review this arrest and keep an eye on the developments with an eye towards hammering through the thick skulls of others why OpSec matters.

Empire Must Fall.


Yes, one of Pavel's entourage did not get the OpSec Talk.

If she won't stop live-tweeting, and you can't do without her, take the damned snitchbrick away. She can upload the photos after it's over, when the risk has passed.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

In The Event That The Worst Happens

Like many dissidents not consumed by despair or delusional on hopium, I too have long considered my options should the Thralls somehow win.

This would, in time, turn into two distinct forks with a related root: Internal Displacement and Exile Abroad. Because I live in a large country with plenty of poltical balkanization and decentralization, the former option is a viable one such that even being just an hour's drive or less away from my home is sufficient under certain conditions. The latter, unfortunately, is proving more difficult to set up and not because of my nationality.

To this end, I have followed a curated list of professional relocation experts, Digital Nomad channels, real estate professionals, and travel channels by various peoples.

I will not share the specific plans for each option here; OpSec is necessary. Private conversations with trusted individuals have happened, and will continue to happen, but I am not talking about this in public because I am in trouble- yet.

I am talking about this because several of my contacts, acquaintances, fellow travelers, etc. are in trouble and are now facing the threat of imprisonment or worse by the Globohomo Thralls occupying the government where they are.

As is so often the case for me, I have devised an operational plan to handle this problem but I lack the resources to do it.

I devised a plan to erect a private transit network. This consists of an array of private jets, ships, buses, and (I would like) trains that ordinarily cater to the rich and wealthy but would be used to covertly shuffle out dissidents and their families when they transmit a code phrase to me. Avoiding commercial travel is vital when you are under threat from the State, which is why this focuses upon the use of what is usually considered luxury modes of travel. To ensure that the crews/drivers/etc. are on board I would employ other dissidents with necessary qualifications and put them on the exfil missions.

The idea is that the dissident concerned would establish foreign residency in a country with no extradition treaty with their home country, preferably acquire citizenship there, and have access to lodging there secured beforehand. When the need to flee hits, the company gets them out and to their prepared secondary location where they are now safe from the hostile State controlled by Globohomo Thralls.

Dissident organizations would be encouraged to get their members signed up for this emergency protection, and over time the network would acquire the capacity to move people in large groups.

If the dissidents need to Fork & Replace to win, then this includes having the ability to move around unobserved. Some people get this. This is a war. Start acting like it. Logstics wins wars.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Narrative Warfare: There Is No Need For Profit From Propaganda Operations

Recently Millenial Woes began a series at his Substack feed called "The Seeds of Gay Doom".

This series talked about the revival of British television classic Doctor Who and how even at the time in 2005 the showrunner (Russel T. Davies) was hard at work using his position as the showrunner to produce propaganda- not entertainment.

Working for the British Broadcasting Corporation meant working for a corporation that had no need to produce a profit as it was state-supported and sponsored, economically as well as politically. Considering what has become of the Establishment in the United Kingdom, that is not mere Rhetoric; Davies should be considered a Client to a Patron that seeks the demoralization, dispossession, and destruction of the English, Scottish, Welsh, and Irish nations.

"But the latest seasons are ratings failures."


Propaganda operations are not profit-seeking commercial enterprises. They are cultural and political operations; economics is a reward of Patronage and not the measure of the effectiveness of the same.

Therefore we can see that the only likely route to shutting this operation, or any other such operation, is to force the Client to compete for resources from the Patron with rival Clients. Yes, this does mean not giving time and attention to Davies' propaganda; it also means being very loud, very obnoxious, very conspicuous about giving that time and attention to what would be seen as a rival operation.

This is, by the way, how Globohomo's Thralls see the massive rise of attention, time, and money given to Japanese, Korean, and Chinese media- Clients serving a rival Patron.

The Client sees the alternative as a threat. The Patron agrees, and therefore uses other Clients to attack the alternative with the aim of either capturing or destroying it so that the Client's propaganda can succeed.

So long as the Patron is willing to back the Client, no amount of losses will put a stop to the propaganda operation. Therefore the objective is to convince the Patron to stop supporting the Client.

Identify the Patron. No, not the institution; identify the specific individual, fix him in place, and go after him personally and publically. Find out what his vulnerabilities are and hammer them without mercy; make him feel pain that only someone that can be a Patron can feel- the pain of loss. Loss of face, losss of prestige, loss of power, loss of wealth, loss of the things that DEFINE a Patron- these are the pains you must inflict and you must do so with supreme cruelty.

The objective is to make it clear to the Patron that disavowing the Client, exiling him from his network, and never re-engaging him thereafter is preferable to the damage he sustains by retaining him.

Individually, this is difficult. As a group, this is attainable.

Succeed at doing this once and the threat of it happening to others will bring them into line; no Patrons wants the illusion of power broken like that.

Because "Get Woke, Go Broke" is not a thing, especially when what "goes broke" was formerly an enemy operation that they stole and repurposed for their purposes as Davies did to Doctor Who. To break a propaganda operation, you have to break the Patron-Client relationship that enables it, and that means going after the Patron commissioning it. Sever that link and you win. Win and you get closer to seeing Empire fall.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

The Thralls Always Intended To Do It, No Matter What Happens

Recently a Rwandan teenager stabbed a bunch of English women and children, killing three.

The Labour government under Keir Starmer represented the entire English Establishment, which has long been Thralls of Empire, in making it clear that the violent aliens and foreigners are clients of the Thralls' regime and that the native nations of the United Kingdom are enemies of His Majesty's government has announced China-like surveilance.

This would include facial recognition technologies, and--ultimately--a Chinese-style Social Credit system openly in use.

The problem here isn't that this is being said. The problem is that this is taking defacto policies done deniably through fellow travelers in the private sector and make them dejure policies done by the State.

As Carl Benjamin (aka Sargon of Akkad) and the Lotus Eaters said several times over the last week, the United Kingdom acts as an Occupational Regime against the native peoples of the United Kingdom. There is now explicit two-tiered policing and non-enforcement policy execution where discrimination against the native peoples is openly avowed and all media in the U.K. is aimed at demoralizing the natives while demonizing them so that the imported bioweapons of the Thralls know who to target. The law is explicitly rigged to protect the imported bioweapons and punish the natives at every turn.

This has gotten to the point where even the natives' language is considered open to destruction.

And to drive the bioweapon point home, the present catalyst for the rioting is the son of a slaughter in the Rwandan Genocide and himself seeks to genocide the natives.

Yet the public response continues to presume that there is recourse through State organs despite all evidence to the contrary.

No, my British readers, YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GET OUT OF THIS WITHOUT VIOLENCE. Your illegitimate government, and the Monarchy, seeks your extinction. They cannot be swayed by moral arguments; they find it moral to exterminate you. They cannot be swayed by practical arguments; they find it practical to exterminate you. They cannot be appeased; they take anything short of violent aggression as weakness and thus justification to exterminate you. There is no Gandhi-style solution to this; you just invite more predation by appearing weak before the predators seeking to consume you until you are extinct.

Let me show you what your government really thinks of you in terms most of you--thanks to your BBC--will understand.

All of you in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland- you're all this fucked. That's what your government thinks of you--vermin to be culled--and they imported bioweapons to do it for them while they use State power to punish you for defending yourselves against them.

There is nothing you could have said (or not said), and nothing you could have done (or not done), to convince them to not seek your extinction. They hate you that much, and they have for a very long time.

Stop pretending that your government is not your enemy. It is. It is therefore illegitimate and need not be obeyed or defered to. Treat it as the enemy it is, or you won't be around much longer to see Empire fall.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Narrative Warfare: A Funny Thing Happened While Studying World War 2

British public historian TIK began his channel by doing lengthy and niche studies on Stalingrad during World War 2.

Eventually he began noticing certain pattern commonalities among the combatants. Yes, combatants- not just the Axis. Like many, TIK went into the origins of the war's conflicts and thus got into the questions of the ideologies motivating the contending parties of the war. While Imperial Japan remains absent, his insights into Communism, Facism, National Socialism, Mosley's British Facism, and even the Social Democracy attitudes in the United Kingdom, United States, and the rest of the Anglosphere would lead him into Pattern Recognition that would make Blue Hat Gang proud.

The result is a series of videos that had him concluding that the common pattern was (stop me if you've heard this before) a Christian Heresy disguised as a political ideology and these would become a popular sideline series of videos- a series that is now a playlist.

While talking about Hitler and the Nazis gets the clicks, all of his analysis of Nazi Germany and Hitler would find its way first to his contemporaries and then to the men leading into their various regimes: the 19th Century emergences of Communism, Socialism, and so on. The Pattern Recognition got refined from the general (the ideologies) to the specific (their founders and proponents) and that would lead to a trio of videos, the most recent dropping early this past week.

Go ahead, watch the latter three videos. If you have time shortages, watch just the first of the three and at Double Speed. Take notes.

Once you see TIK's Psychological Profile, write it down and commit it to memory. Compare this against every single Leftist figure you have ever heard of. You will find that a suprisingly high number of them fit this profile like it was a custom-made set of clothes.

Why does this matter? For the same reason that Empire seeks to study prospective prey: to learn how best to attack and destroy them.

You will find this profile in Keir Starmer's government. You will find it in Ursala von der Layen's EU Commission. You will find it in every Leftist organization, great and small, and especially with their Antifa street operatives (and the genetic refuse they wield as bioweapons).

In short, you know what to do--in the specific AND in the general--to shatter them utterly, and then to grind the shards to dust.

TIK has done a lot of good here. This is information you can use, you can APPLY TO YOUR OPERATIONS, and you SHOULD!

He just added to your toolbox. Thank the man, throw him some financial support, and then return the favor by breaking the people he's profiled. Empire Must Fall.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Narrative Warfare: The DIE Regime Wants To Sell You A BRIDGE

In Clown World, "the Establishment" is fake and gay. You need to find folks like this anime fox woman to get legit info on what is going on.

Do not believe the claims that Microsoft, John Deere, and anyone else is actually purging DEI from their organizations. As Kirsche shows, they are just shuffling off-stage in order to change up the set-dressing and costuming (via language control) before re-engaging to continue their Satanic Crusade against Civilization in service to Empire.

Simple. As. Kirsche has the info; watch the video, take notes, and act on what she provides.

You want to cut that off at the pass? Spread the word: "BRIDGE means DEI!"

Empire must fall.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Narrative Warfare: Frame Game Explains Globohomo (& Trump Assassination Attempt)

Mike Benz first started stirring things up by going Anon as Frame Game Radio to explain Narrative Warfare to dissidents.

This is Mike explaining Globohomo--what he called The Blob--from his perspective. This over two hours, so if you can handle playing at 1.5x or 2x Speed do it.

If you are at all familiar with John F. Kennedy, you'll know that he too was opposed by the Intelligence Community and its private/foreign associates.

Listen carefully to Benz' explanation of how the IC works to sandbag, sabotage, etc. anyone and everyone that opposes them. Now recall a man on the other end of the political spectrum that went harder about how Globohomo works over 20 years ago.

TLDR on Perkins: He was a Globohomo asset. He had a crisis of conscience and this was his confession as well as as exposure.

The system (and rival Imperial powers like China do this too now) works like this:

  • Find corrupt/corruptable local elites. Back them with cheap credit to be Satrap.
  • When the Satrap outlives their usefulness, repeat with new Satrap.
  • If that fails, murk people until someone either takes the deal or someone outside is installed as Satrap to groom locals into the system.
  • If that fails, gin up a war and use the military to murk in mass quantities while wrecking all that shit; new regime then gives sweetheart deals to Globohomo corps to rebuild and replace the wrecked stuff.
  • (Unstated, as it's not been needed to date) Nuke the faggots, maybe with literal nukes, sweep up the dust and clean up the ruins that get occupied while ginning up replacement populations to hold it.

That's right. For all the Roman talk, Globohomo is actually a Neo-PERSIAN imperial model that uses international banking and multi-national corporations as the primary agents of Imperial power.

What is applied in the Satrapies is also used in the Imperial Core. This is why the IC first tried to bribe Trump, then tried to Kompromat him, and when those didn't work flat out Narrative Warfare got deployed. After that failed the lawfare came out and that's finally played out as ineffective. Therefore the Economic Hit-Men got benched and now the Jackals (the assassins and similar killers) are deployed to flat-out kill Trump.

In the Globohomo Imperial Core you only get one shot at that. One. Shot.

Team #NothingEverHappens took a big L yesterday.

The IC may fuck up, but they aren't (yet) wholly insane or incompetent. They'll see that they fucked up, and they're going to start tard-wrangling the rest of the Imperial Core into letting Trump win (instead of ramping up the Election Fraud even harder) for one reason: the amount now needed to steal the election would make it so obvious that everyone would see it as such.

That has trickle-down effects on every junior level of government, all the way down to Dog Catcher. The Thralls of Empire in Globohomo, seeing that they have a fallback line deep in the bureaucracy of the U.S. Federal Government as well as those of several states, many counties, and many cities. They would be wise to just sandbag him again through a second term and bide their time.

If they don't, that is a massive tell that things for Globohomo are worse than they seem. (Remember, they get the real data; we get bullshit.)

That he turned his head at the exact moment that saved his life, turning a headshot into a grazing hit, is nothing short of Divine Providence. That's a sign, folks. Trump has the Divine Mandate- it is The Return of the King.

Empire Must Fall.